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type name

set form title Sample

set form id sample

get start time start

get end time end
get today today
get device id deviceid
get subscriber id subscriberid
get sim id simid
get phone number phonenumber
add text prompt string
add integer prompt int
add decimal prompt decimal
add date prompt date
begin group multi_question_page
add text prompt example_text_question
add integer prompt example_integer_quest
add decimal prompt example_decimal_ques
end group

add select multiple prompt using alphaOptions select

add select one prompt using numOptions select1
add select one prompt using alphaOptions quick_advance
add select one prompt using numOptions spinner
add select multiple prompt using imageOptions grid
add select one prompt using imageOptions grid_two_columns
begin group choice_table
add select one prompt using yesno choice_row_1
add select one prompt using yesno choice_row_2
add select one prompt using yesno choice_row_3
end group
begin group choice_table_label
add select one prompt using yesno label
add select one prompt using yesno choice_row_1
add select one prompt using yesno choice_row_2
add select one prompt using yesno choice_row_3
end group
add select one prompt using states autocomplete
add select one prompt using states autocomplete_chars
add select one prompt using yesno branch
begin group section_a
begin group section_b
begin group section_c
add text prompt language
end group
end group
end group
add text prompt regex
add location prompt geopoint
add barcode prompt barcode
add image prompt image
add audio prompt audio
add video prompt video
add text prompt image_media
add text prompt audio_media
add text prompt all_media
add text prompt translate_media
add acknowledge prompt trigger
add calculate prompt calculate
add text prompt disabled
begin looped group repeat_a
add integer prompt item_int
add text prompt item_string_a
begin looped group repeat_b
add text prompt item_string_b
begin group section_a
begin group section_b
begin group section_c
add text prompt language
end group
end group
end group
end looped group
add decimal prompt item_decimal
end looped group

string widget
integer widget
decimal widget
date widget
multiple questions on a page
example text question
example integer question
example question

select multiple widget

select one widget
quick advance select widget
spinner widget
grid widget
grid with a maximum of two columns
choice table
question 1
question 2
question 3

choice table with label

table of answers
question 1
question 2
question 3

autocomplete widget
autocomplete widget with chars option
branch widget
section b
section c

validate widget
geopoint widget
barcode widget
image widget
audio widget
video widget
text widget with an image
text widget with audio
text widget with image, audio, and video

acknowledge widget

this question is disabled and will not show up in the form

household id
household description
child name
section a
section b
section c

household notes

can be very short or very long

try entering a number > 10
only numbers > 10.51 and < 18.39
only future dates allowed

don't pick c and d together

scroll down to see default selection
click a choice to select it and advance to the next question
click the button to provide a response
click an image to select it (you must have the images on your sdcard to see them)
regardless of screen size this widget will only show two columns of images

start typing a state name. any state name that contains those contiguous letters will be predicted
start typing a state name. any state name that contains those letters (in no particular order) will be predicted.
yes to skip languages, validator, sections
email validator
this will get gps location
scans multi-format 1d/2d barcodes
this will launch the camera
this will launch the audio recorder

the image file must be on your sdcard for it to appear on the screen
the audio file must be on your sdcard for it to play
the files must be on your sdcard

need to push button

see the disabled column

largest integer (9 places)

readonly and long string

readonly and long string



e next question

he images on your sdcard to see them)

ly show two columns of images

hat contains those contiguous letters will be predicted

hat contains those letters (in no particular order) will be predicted.

to appear on the screen


this is a really long string where you can put lots of information to prepare a user for anything you would like.

appearance constraint

. < 10
. > 10.51 and . < 18.59
. > today()

not(selected(., 'c') and selected (., 'd'))



regex(., '[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A

t lots of information to prepare a user for anything you would like.

constraint message relevance

number must be less than 10

number must be between 10.51 and 18.39
only future dates allowed

option c and d cannot be selected together

${branch} = "n"

this isn't a valid email address ${branch} = "n"

${branch} = "n"
disabled required read only calculation


if(${int} > '5', 'greater than five', 'less


caption:engli hint:english caption:italia hint:italian caption:japanhint:japanesecaption:mace
I speak englis menu button ciéo "hello" in ital こんにちは。"hello" in ja Здраво

text widget wmenu button ciéo "hello" in ital こんにちは。"hello" in ja Здраво

nt} > '5', 'greater than five', 'less than or equal to five')

I speak englis menu button ciéo "hello" in ital こんにちは。"hello" in ja Здраво

hint:macedonian media:image media:audio media:video media:image:media:image:imedia:image
"hello" in macedonian

example.jpg example.mp3example.3gp
"hello" in macedonian english.jpg italian.jpg madeconian.j

"hello" in macedonian
list name name caption media:image
alphaOptions a option a
alphaOptions b option b
alphaOptions c option c
alphaOptions d option d
numOptions 1 option 1
numOptions 2 option 2
numOptions 3 option 3
numOptions 4 option 4
numOptions 5 option 5
numOptions 6 option 6
numOptions 7 option 7
numOptions 8 option 8
yesno y yes
yesno n no
imageOptions c1 c1 c1.png
imageOptions c2 c2 c2.png
imageOptions c3 c3 c3.png
imageOptions c4 c4 c4.png
imageOptions c5 c5 c5.png
imageOptions c6 c6 c6.png
states Alabama Alabama
states Alaska Alaska
states Arizona Arizona
states Arkansas Arkansas
states California California
states Colorado Colorado
states Connecticut Connecticut
states Delaware Delaware
states Florida Florida
states Georgia Georgia
states Hawaii Hawaii
states Idaho Idaho
states Illinois Illinois
states Indiana Indiana
states Iowa Iowa
states Kansas Kansas
states Kentucky Kentucky
states Louisiana Louisiana
states Maine Maine
states Maryland Maryland
states Massachusetts Massachusetts
states Michigan Michigan
states Minnesota Minnesota
states Mississippi Mississippi
states Missouri Missouri
states Montana Montana
states Nebraska Nebraska
states Nevada Nevada
states NewHampshire New Hampshire
states NewJersey New Jersey
states NewMexico New Mexico
states NewYork New York
states NorthCarolina North Carolina
states NorthDakota North Dakota
states Ohio Ohio
states Oklahoma Oklahoma
states Oregon Oregon
states Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
states RhodeIsland Rhode Island
states SouthCarolina South Carolina
states SouthDakota South Dakota
states Tennessee Tennessee
states Texas Texas
states Utah Utah
states Vermont Vermont
states Virginia Virginia
states Washington Washington
states WestVirginia West Virginia
states Wisconsin Wisconsin
states Wyoming Wyoming

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