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Sarah Jones

Example High School

001 Example St.
City, St. ZIP


Mr. and Mrs. Smith

002 Example St.
City, St. ZIP

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith

I am writing to you regarding your son, James. In my time working with him, he has shown
himself to be a passionate student. He cares about the content of the class and actively
participates in class discussions. However, he sometimes struggles with being patient with
his classmates.

Today in class, during a classroom debate activity, James hurt the feelings of a classmate
by attacking her personally, rather than attacking her argument. After the incident, James
was barred from participating in the rest of the debate. According to classroom policy,
James must now write an apology letter to his classmate.

I would appreciate your support in this matter. Tomorrow, when we welcome James back
into the classroom, I am confident that James will possess a better attitude. We aim to make
the classroom a supportive environment for all students to foster personal and academic


Sarah Jones
Biology Teacher
Example High School

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