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run querey for whole data

format date like earlier file

add one colum afttre sale date and crf entry date and two colum after
ISR date select filter null and update as cancelled in regular/canceelled
now fileter in comments single k and ok
now remarks in rejected by ft as NO in all
now check filetre regular/canceelled, then select blanck instead of cancelled and
write as Regular

now in comments excleude k and ok and select all

now place yes in refejcetd by FT and
now check filetre regular/canceelled, then select blanck instead of cancelled and
write as Regular

nbo wcount if for multipel entry due to multiple ISR

d2>=c2 then true
means crf entry date is greater thean or equel to sales entry date

now select data in csp db as act date same as isr date in custmr mst or on CSP
and delete wrong record

count of true false and select false of d2>=c2 then true and paste remrks from old
file as " sale date modified at later stage by user"

now procedd same for Fiber

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