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BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) UNIT 43: Special Subject Investigation

Requirements / Evidence / Activity
Learning Outcome
Produce a short proposal which identifies an area of research that is relevant to
your music career or is of musical interest to you

Your proposal must state:

• What topic you will investigate
• Why you will investigate it
• What sorts of research materials there are you could use? (give initial examples)

Produce a short plan which lists :– (this should for the first page of your Unit 43
‘blog’ on your website)

• Books, websites and magazines you might use to gather information

2 • A proposed structure of your final research report
• A timescale for completing a first draft that you will get feedback on from a peer
• A final submission date

Produce a word document (minimum 1200 words) on your chosen investigation to present
your findings. By negotiation, some of this may be in a different format (eg,
3 presentation video, powerpoint etc.)

The report must be logically structured and include your own opinions, backed up by
research. Include at least two quotes form two different research resources.
BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) UNIT 43: Special Subject Investigation

Produce a bibliography of sources used in the Harvard bibliography methodology

Produce a Research Log detailing which research sources were used and when you used

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