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Cristina Cortes

Writer’s Moves

The Conversation: What Others Are Saying

Scientist apparently assume that if makeup companies stuck with the same ingredients that have
already been confirmed safe, then animal testing wouldn’t be as common as it is today.
A number of scientist including Dr. Elias Zerhouni admitted experimenting on animals to help
humans has been a major failure.
You would think in this day and age with all of our new technology that animal testing wouldn’t
be as common and come to and end.
The Art of Summarizing
PETA celebrates the fact that the European Union, Israel, and India have banned the sale of any
cosmetics or cosmetics ingredients that have been tested on animals.
Researchers admit that medical treatments developed in animals rarely translated to humans.
The Humane Society advocates a radical revision of the animal experimentation process.
The Art of Quoting
According to Richard Harris, “Most potential new drugs fail when they're tested in people. These
failures are not only a major disappointment, they sharply drive up the cost of developing new
In other words, Richard Harris believes that these drugs often fail because they are first tested
out on mice, rats, and other animals.
Richard Harris’s point is that it should come as no surprise that a drug that works in a mouse
often doesn't work in a person.
Ways of Responding to Source Material
ProCon claims that animals are appropriate research subjects because they are similar to humans
which is false because the anatomic, metabolic, and cellular differences between animals and
people are drastic, which make animals poor test subjects.
I agree that animal testing has had its benefits including contributing to many life-saving cures
and treatments.
Though I conceded that animal testing has had its benefits I still believe that animal testing
should come to an end.
Saying Why It Matters
This interpretation challenges scientist who still believe that animal testing is the most reliable
and safe source.
Cristina Cortes

Ultimately what is at stake here is the lives of thousands of helpless animals and even the lives of
human beings using the products that were tested.
Recent studies on in silico and in vitro testing shed new light on the alternatives for animal

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