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Mayra J.

English IV
Ms. O’Keefe
23 October 2017

Another Day

“A private school isn’t where I want to go Mom.” I say to my Mom who is already giving me
that cold stare.
“This isn’t up for debate, you’ve always gone to private schools Denise and so have I.” She
“Mom, I’m going to college. This is different, I want to go to an arts school. That is where my
happiness is.” I say to her, which, at this point, seems like I’m pleading.
“Arts school won’t get you anywhere.” She scolds at me.
“You are not making this easy for me Mom.” I reply to her as I grab my keys to leave to work.
I’m 18, ready to begin college in a couple of months and my Mom has not made it easy on me.
I’ve been wanting to go to an arts school since my freshman year, but my Mom has never
approved or heard me out. The only option I have left is to leave by force because I do not see
happiness, or my future being played out in yet another private school for 4+ years.

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