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Diego Juarez

Ms. Kenly

Mar 12 ,2018


Question about U.S-Mexico border wall

Question one: How many people have been killed or die for going over to the border or even try

to get in US before then 22 or 3 week later been killed? How can stop this problem from


Question two: Why is the president of USA is trying his best to build wall fast as he can and

racism in his part plan to get rid of people trying to come to USA and why his plan might not

work why is that?

Question three: Why is mexico not paying for wall since the president told them you need to pay

for it but mexico president said “no, we will pay for this wll” why is that?

Question four: What is reason for cartel to be happy when the wall is built?

Question five: Why is the wall pointless and Ineffective?

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