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1. Which is an example of a semiconductor?

A. Rubber C. Plastic

B. Silicon D. Wood

2. Who's theory?Atoms cannot be created or destroyed in any chemical change but they can be

A. Charlse C. Rutherford E. Thompson

B. Mendeleev D. Dalton

3. Herbivores obtain most of their energy by...

A.Consuming animals B. Consuming plants

C. Absorbing sunlight D. Producing sugar


1. What are cells?

A. The building block of living things

B. Something in the body

C. Living organisms in the body

D. Microscopic objects

2. Which is an example of a physical change?

A. boiling water B. cooking an egg

C. burning wood D.tarnishing silver

3. The Earth is surrounded by an insulating blanket of gases which protects it from the light and heat of
the Sun. This insulating layer is called the

A.Biosphere B.Atmosphere

C.Hydrosphere D.Lithosphere

1. What are the elements in group 3-12 called?

A. Atomic metals

B. Alkaline earth metals

C. Alkali metals

D. Transition metals

E. Semi metals

2. Elements with atomic numbers higher than 92 are not natural but can be created by man
or____________,by crashing nuclear particles into each other.

Answer: Synthesized

All semimetals are solids at room temperature, however nonmetals tend to be ________.

A.Liquids C. Decaying E. Solid but soon turn into gas

B.Gases D.Melting

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