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 S’utiliza quan una situació és REAL o acció POSSIBLE en el futur. Expressa el que ocurrirà si
s’acompleix la condició donada.
 Traducció: If it rains, I won’t go to the beach: Si plou, no aniré a la platja.
 Si la frase que duu "if" va davant, s’utilitza la coma. Contràriament, si la frase amb “if” va en
segona posició, no cal escriure la coma.
 Per a negar el WILL utilitzarem la forma WILL NOT: I will not go to the beach if it rains. (No
aniré a la platja si plou).
 Per a negar el IF utilitzarem la forma UNLESS: Unless we work together, we won’t finish the
project on time. Després de unless sempre anirá Present Tense, mai Will.
 ATENCIÓ! El verb TO BE junt amb el WILL es forma així: WILL BE i no WILL IS o WILL ARE,
que són formes incorrectes: I will be the best student if I study hard (Seré el millor alumne si
estudie molt).


1. Complete the sentences. Use the First Conditional.

1. If you ________________ (not study), you ________________ (fail) the test.

2. We ________________ (die) if we ________________ (not get) help soon!
3. If you ________________ (look) in the fridge, you ________________ (find) some cold drinks.
4. If there ________________ (be) no oil in the engine, the car ________________ (break down).
5. I ________________ (lend) you my umbrella if you ________________ (need) it.
6. The sea level ________________ (rise) if the planet ________________ (get) hotter.
7. If you ________________ (eat) your sandwiches now, you ________________ (not have) anything for
8. You ________________ (be) safe in an accident if you ________________ (fasten) your seatbelt.
9. If he __________ (save) all his money, he _________________ (be able to go) on holiday to Canada.
10. I ________________ (not come) with you if you ________________ (not bring) John!
11. I ________________ (not play) tennis if I ________________ (not find) a partner.
12. If the girls ________________ (laugh) at them, the boys ________________ (dance) tonight.



 S’utilitza per a parlar de situacions hipotètiques.
 En realitat, més que una condició expressa una situació hipotética referent al momento actual.
 Si el verb de la condició és to be, se sol usar were en totes les persones.
 Traducció: If I won the lottery, I would buy a car: Si guanyara la loteria, em compraria un


1. Choose the correct answer to complete the Second Conditional sentences.

1. If I didn’t go / wouldn’t go to the party with him, my boyfriend would be angry.

2. Dan wouldn’t do badly at school if he studied / would study more.
3. If Manchester United asked / would ask me to play for them, I would say yes.
4. Jonathan and Sharon were / would be in the Olympics if they had trained hard.
5. If they had enough money, they bought / would buy a new car.

2. Complete the sentences. Use the Second Conditional.

1. If we (have) ________________ a yacht, we (sail) ________________ the seven seas.

2. She (spend) _______________ a year in the USA if it (be) ____________ easier to get a green card.
3. If I (live) ________________ on a lonely island, I (run) ________________ around naked all day.
4. If they (tell) ________________ their father, he (be) ________________ very angry.
5. We (help) ________________ you if we (know) ________________ how.
6. My brother (buy) ________________ a sports car if he (have) ________________ the money.
7. If I (feel) ________________ better, I (go) ________________ to the cinema with you.
8. If he (have) ________________ more time, he (learn) ________________ karate.
9. If you (go) ________________ by bike more often, you (be / not) ________________ so flabby.
10. She (not / talk) ________________ to you if she (be) ________________ mad at you.



 És una hipòtesi impossible, ja que fa referència al passat i, per tant, ja no pot realitzar-se.
 Traducció: If I had known it was your birthday, I would have bought you a present: Si
haguera sabut que era el teu aniversari, t’hauria comprat un regal.


1. Choose the correct answer to complete the Third Conditional sentences.

1. If I had known you had the driving license, I would have lent / had lent my car.
2. England would have won / had won the match if Beckham had not missed that penalty.
3. If Mozart would have not died / had not died so young, he would have written more
wonderful music.
4. I would have finished my work if my computer had not broken / would have not broken.
5. She had not met / would have not met her boyfriend if she had not caught that train.

2. Complete the sentences. Use the Third Conditional.

1. If the seminar ____________________ (begin) at 10.00 a.m., we ____________________ (be) on time.

2. If the customer ____________________ (call) earlier, I __________________________ (tell) her to try your
mobile phone.
3. If you ___________________ (inform) us of these problems by 8.00 a.m., we _________________________
(fix) them this morning.
4. If you ______________________ (adopt) that marketing strategy, your profits _______________________
(increase) a lot.
5. Your employees ________________ (learn) everything about the program if you ____________________
(send) them to that training session.
6. If I ________________ (meet) with the customer yesterday, I ________________ (give) her your card.


1. Choose the correct answer

1. If you obey the law, you didn’t get/won’t get into trouble.
2. They would buy / will buy a larger television if they had more money.
3. If there is / will be a job shortage, you will have a hard time finding a job.
4. Would Brian adjust better to living in Italy if he learns/learned the language?
5. She will win / would win the race if she finishes in under seven minutes.

2. Put in the correct phrases and form a conditional sentence (type I, II, III).

1) If we met at 9:30, we _________________________ (have) plenty of time.

2) Lisa will find the milk if she _____________________ (look) in the fridge.
3) The zookeeper will punish her with a fine if she _____________________ (feed) the animals.
4) If you had spoken louder, your classmates _____________________ (understand) you.
5) Dan _____________________ (arrive) safe if he had driven slowly.
6) You _____________________ (have) no trouble at school if you do your homework.
7) If you swam in this lake, you __________________ (shiver) from cold.
8) The door _____________________ (unlock) if you press the green button.
9) If Mel asked her teacher, he _______________________ (answer) her questions.
10) I would call the office if I __________________ (be) you.
3. Choose the correct answer.
1. If you organise / organised your room, you wouldn’t lose / wouldn’t have lost your things.
2. She will receive / receives a lot of money if she will win / wins the championship.
3. If I wanted / had wanted to hear loud music, I would have gone / will go to a different pub.
4. If we drive / will be there, will we arrive / would we have arrived on time?
5. I wouldn’t tell / wouldn’t have told you that story if it weren’t / wouldn’t be true.

4. Complete the sentences using a conditional. Then join the sentences with the pictures:

a) If the skirt was so cheap, I _____________________ (buy) it.

b) If you had chosen the yellow dress, you _____________________ (not/win) the first prize.

c) If you ___________ (listen) to your earphones too loudly, you won’t probably have hearing
problems when you get older.

d) If I _________________ (be) you, I would go to the disco with my friends.

e) If you paid a bit more for your hotel room, you _____________________ (get) one with a good view.

f) If my car hadn’t broken down again, I _____________________ (not/take) it to that garage. They are
not serious.

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