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Summary of The giver 9-14

Jonas was feeling separate, until talk with Asher. Then in the dinner, his parents comment to
Jonas about a girl, who will be a Receiver in the past. Jonas had receive him Folder “Jonas
Receiver of Memory, where were the rules. He can lie, doesn’t have to apologize, can´t take
medicine and can´t speak about his formation. At the next day, he went to the Annex and a
woman receive him. He enter in a room, where have a lot of books and an old man. The man
say to Jonas that he can ask any question, and explain his mission, receive the memories of the
whole word. Then Jonas went to a bed without clothes. The old man put his hand in his back,
and transmit a memory to Jonas and he felt his body cold, the snow, sled and mount. The old
explain that only was a memory of the climate control. Then he felt heat of the sun. After that,
Jonas want to feel the pain, and the old man transmit him sunburn. Finally, Jonas ask to the old
man, what is his name?, he only say, call me the Giver. The next morning, Jonas apologize to
Fiona for she was waiting to him yesterday. Fiona hope that Jonas tell her about his first day but
he couldn´t. When Jonas say good bye to Fiona saw some stranger in her hair. Jonas went to the
giver and ask him about these and other similar situation like an apple and the giver answer that
he started to note the red color. Jonas disagree with don’t have colors.

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