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Tugas Journal Reading 3 ( Kamis, 26 April 2018 )

Presenting : dr. Pratiwi Hendro Putri

Pertanyaan dari dr. Iskandar Nasution, Sp.S, FINS :

In Conclusion explain is statment : The ILAE 2017 classifications allow for increased
precision , but require advanced diagnostic skills and are challenging to use in
epidemiological studies and cliical settings where diagnoses are not assigned by neurologist.

The ILAE 2017 classifications allow for increased

precision, but require advanced diagnostic skills and are
challenging to use in epidemiological studies and clinical
settings where diagnoses are not assigned by neurologists.

Jawaban :

( Page 10 , Right coloum in 2 paragraph )

The ILAE 2017 epilepsy classification allowed for a

specific epilepsy diagnosis in 63% of CWE, either as a
defined syndrome or with a structural–metabolic etiology,
whereas 94% of CWE fit into a broad syndromic category
with ILAE 1989. In other words, the increased diagnostic
precision of ILAE 2017 comes at the expense of leaving
more cases classifiable only at the mode of onset level.
Our findings indicate that the need for detailed information can
make the new classification challenging to use in population-
based studies and clinical settings where CWE are not
diagnosed by child neurologists.

 Pada Klasifikasi ILAE 2017, dilihat dari pembagian klasifikasi berdasarkan tipe
seizure, epilepsy tipe and sindrom , dan etiologi memang lebih precision
dibandingkan dengan klasifikasi ILAE 1981/1989, tetapi bagi praktisi kesehatan non
spesialistik dibutuhkan keahlian dan ketelitian yang lebih dalam mendiagnosa dan
mengkalsifikasikan epilepsi berdasarkan ILAE 2017. Sehingga ini bisa menjadi
klasifikasi baru dan menantang dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan untuk studi berbasis
populasi epidemiologi .

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