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1.Uninstall previous version.

2.Delete installation folder

3.Delete registry:

32bit : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Waves
64bit : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Waves

Install Waves v9r2 complete bundles, Mercury,SSl 4000, GTR Solo, and The King's
Microphone. Run Crack, then relace
the original files with the files (not the folder) included in the Waves NLS
folder to the directory
C:/Program Files (x86)/Waves/Plug-Ins (drap and Drop the files)
Tested on Pro Tools 10.1.2 and Fl Studio 10.0.9

You can unpack the WaveShell with inluded Shell2Vst tool.

When you have compatibility issues with shell, this will help you.

Credit goes to the original uploader of the NLS files and Team Assign!

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