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Samantha Sanders

Professor S. Massey

ENC1101 M,W,F 1PM


The Amazing Cannabis and Mushroom Act

They say Cocaine is one hell of a drug, but I’m sure that person hasn’t had a solid

mushroom trip or cannabis Moonrock’s. It’s 8:49 on a Friday night in Miami, I am at home in

sweats on my beanbag with my legs propped up listening to ‘Yanni live at the Acropolis’. My

wife to be, Mercedes, is a sleep on the daybed and my spirit Child is asleep on the floor. I have a

box of golden grahams and a cup of ginger tea for snacking purposes. There’s an abalone shell

sitting on the table next to me, and in the shell, is a fat ass joint of Blue Dream. Blue Dream is

key to me telling you the story of how I came to be a cannabis and mushroom advocate. Grab

some snacks, your favorite strain, and get settled. It’s going to be some shit.

The first couple of years I smoked weed I wasn’t using it properly. I knew it had healing

properties but it wasn’t until 2015 that I really understood these life-saving properties. In 2015 I

was 23 years old and active duty Coast Guard at TRACEN Petaluma. The base motto was

“TRACEN Petaluma, the best place to live, work, and train!”. I fucking hated that place. I mean

don’t get me wrong I had some good days, but for the most part the place was a shit hole. People

only went there for one of three reasons: you were there because you were a year from

retirement, you thought you could make a difference, or you got a shitty billet list; and let’s face

it, Petaluma, CA sounds a lot better than Topeka, KS. Not only was this place the underside of

the devil’s asshole, but the Chief Petty Officer’s Academy was like a large group of ugly ass
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hyaena’s. NOT all of the chiefs were weird creepy men. Some of the chiefs were actually

normal. The 30% that were creeps seemed to out shine the ones who weren’t. For example, they

would watch females in the chow hall. Karaoke Thursdays at the base bar were the ABSOLUTE

FUCKING WORST. Needless to say, I was sexually harassed at these events. As if the sexual

harassment and assault weren’t enough, I had a shit hole for a work place. I swear to the

GAWDS, if I hadn’t been active duty I would’ve fought 90% of people in that office. I

developed depression and sever anxiety while in the office. I also developed a crohn’s like

disorder from the stress and bullying and I also developed Hypertension. I was placed on several

medications as a result of these conditions.

Three weeks before my terminal leave started I signed my DD-214. I got high went to

work. I did not care anymore. What else were they going to do to me? I was being medically

separated. There was nothing else they could do. I was high as hell with a nose ring, in uniform. I

signed my DD-214. That day was the best day I had had in 5 years. Massa had final gave me my

freedom papers. I didn’t have any episodes that day. My blood pressure was great and I had 3

meals. I soon realized that weed is about much more than getting high. It’s about healing, it’s

about enhancing, it’s about music, it’s about flowing, and it’s about appreciating life! From that

day forth I was a smoker. That was that and there was nothing you could or can tell me now.

After my divorce with the Coast Guard, I found myself in this stagnant space. I was

feeling stuck my craft wasn’t growing, I was stuck. I called my spirit guide AJani, and asked her

about Magical Mushrooms. She gave me a rundown and told me that, “it changes you”. After a

couple of weeks, I decided it was time to do the mushrooms. AJani went and pick the fruit

herself, blessed them, and sent me the package. She gave me directions on fasting prior, creating

a safe place, and avoiding mirrors. I fasted for 7 hours and smoked weed (Train Wreck) 30
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minutes prior to the trip. I was in a good headspace. My living room looked like an offering site.

I blessed the fruit and I asked the Goddess Isis to guide me through it. I laid down on the

spiritual pallet I had set up and settled into my meditation.

My trip was the most beautiful thing I had ever experienced. It was somewhere between

having lunch with Erykah Badu on Mars and pouring Jack Daniels’ Honey in your coffee. I

mean this shit was so wild! I didn’t hallucinate or anything. I was just felt everything

emotionally. Mercedes documented my trip with notes and we recorded it on video as well.

For a while I wasn’t sure if it was working, and then there was a little glimmer. I thought

this might have been a sign that a migraine was coming but the light grew. The light grew bigger

and brighter. My eyes were closed at this time so I’m seeing this light in my thoughts. I began to

talk to Mercedes as the light grew.

“Baby, I see something” I said to her

“What do you see?”

“A light. But what is it?... What is it?” I whispered.

“A light?” she replied.

“Wait …. Is that? Oh my gosh.. it’’s…” I said

“It’s what?” she asked

“ Babe its my eye. Like my third eye! I can see it! It’s so beautiful!” I said as I cried.

As I stared at the light I began to cry. It was the most beautiful thing in the world. The

crazy thing is that I wasn’t really seeing it. I was feeling it.
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As my trip progressed I began to have visuals in my thoughts. I saw what seemed to be

other solar systems, spirits, and vibrations. I had such awakening in my trip. AJani was right, the

trip does change you. Once you know you cannot forget and once you see you cannot be blind.

The next day I was lively and felt like I was reborn. I had a lot of energy, and no signs of

depression or PTSD. There was no ‘crash’ and I had an appetite. I felt like the old me, before the

health issues. This is why I think that its so important to legalize the use of cannabis and magic

mushrooms. The trips are fun, yes, but the medical affects that these plants have are simply

UNMATCHED by anything man made. Man will NEVER be able to out preform the Amazing

Cannabis and Mushroom act.

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