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Garrielp reecives PRESENTS! GArri€LD RECEIVES PRESENTS! K is a beautiful day Jon, Garfield and Odie are in the street ‘) am going to sell this old piece of furniture’. says Jon. *) hope 50 pounds for it But in five notes please!”, thinks Garfield They are in the pawn shop. “How much is the furniture?” says Jon fo the owner GarrielD REeCiVES PRESENTS! Jon speaks with the owner “That's a rip-off! Here you are.” says Jon. He receives {wenty pounds “Well | see an ice-cream stand n the distance. Let's go to spend the money”, says Jon Garfield loves ice- cream It buys all the ice-creams ‘Mmm, Jon thank you for the pence", thivks Garfield ReEOHE AGM PEBBLE ES 2 GArri€LD RECEIVES PRESENTS! They arrive at home There is a gift in the livmg room It is a white packet "Garfield this gift is for you. You are a good pet", says Jon “Oh, trank you Jon! What are you going to give me? } don't like mag- netos”. thinks Garfield GarrieLD RECEIVES PRESENTS! There are {wo presents n the box. “The first one is a com with your image on it} think you Ike it”, says Jon Garfield is surprised ‘Odie. what's this? Jon is a bit strange’. thinks Garfield Odie barks “Yes Odie. ) agree with you", thinks Garfield REOQME AGM EP EREER RS 4 GARFIELD RECEIVES PRESENTS! don shows Garfield the second present “Look these trainers! You wil can run with me and Odie’, says Jon. Odie barks * like these tra- mers But) prefer to watch the TY and eat chips than running’. thinks Garfield

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