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Dear Parents,

As you may have known, we have been investigating the scientific topic of the sense of touch
with your children in their classroom over this past semester. Throughout this investigation we
have done several learning activities and lessons with them including book readings about the
sense of touch, sorting everyday objects into categories based on how they feel, stations for
observations on items they can feel, tracing their hands and placing items of different textures on
each fingers, and several class discussions to gauge their understanding on this topic. Throughout
this past semester it has been an absolute pleasure working with your children and watching
them grow and learn in their understanding of the sense of touch. They worked well with each
other and made many connections from their everyday experiences to what they were learning in
class. They were very engaged and respectful throughout this journey as a class. It was truly a
pleasure working with your children and we hope that they grew as much from this investigation
as we did from working with them. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Anne Marie MacKenzie and Heidi Huiner

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