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Michael Oshea Cox

Tallwood High School

Senior Project Action
TOPIC: Minority Achievement Gap
My goal is to provide minority students with information that will help them to have a better
outlook on education and their future.
Target Audience:
4th to 9th grade (No limit on the number of students present)
Plan of Action:
Conduct two presentations for 30 minutes and help tutor for the remaining 30 minutes of the
tutorial session. In order to help decrease the Minority Achievement Gap I will continue to
provide tutorial services to the students which will give me an opportunity to help them with
their subjects and share more with them on an informal basis.
• Give the students statistical information on the minority achievement gap
• Encourage and motivate them to become better students and more involved in
extracurricular activities.
• Help students to develop confidence and let them know that they can achieve and be
• Share with them my educational experiences from pre-school (New Light School of
Excellent from pre-school to 5th grade) to twelfth grade.
• Briefly mention that it is important to not to get in trouble with the law or have behavior and
attitude problems at school that would cause you to have detention, or in-school or out of
school suspension.

Presentation format:
Open and interactive with participation from students
What did you learn from this presentation?
Did this presentation give you a better understanding of the minority achievement gap?
Yes ___ No ____
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how much did this presentation help or
motivate you to become a better student? Circle one: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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