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Maria Negron

Miss. Cardone
Religion 12

Les Mis Question

1. What is Javert’s view of justice? What life experiences contributed to his view of justice? (ex:

How did he grow up? How did this affect his worldview?) How does Javert’s view of justice

relate to Christ’s teaching on justice (Catholic social teaching)?

Javert's view of justice is that he feels if you are not

2. What is Valjean’s view of justice? What life experiences contributed to his view of justice?

How does it relate to Christ’s teachings on justice (Catholic social teaching)?

3. What do you think is/are the major difference(s) between Valjean’s view of the world and

Javert’s view of the world? How do their individual views of God affect their worldviews?

Les Mis Questions II

1. God desires salvation for us because he loves us beyond all things. God wants to

forgive us and have mercy on us if we allow him too. If we do not want forgives he does

not want to give us something we do not want from him. We are created in the image

and likeness of God and he sees us as good so if we want God he is there to give us

what we need.

2. God desires truth for us because we need to be honest with ourselves and God. God

wants to see that we want him. We don’t need to work for God's love because we

already and always have it. He just wants us to be honest with Him to have a true

relationship with Him. He is always honest with us.

3. We also need free will. Without free will we are not able to decide whether we even

want salvation for ourselves. We would not even need truth if we did not have freewill

because we would not have the ability to chose for ourselves.

4. The church gets her power from God and the people. God and the people are the

church. The church is necessary for salvation because it is almost the gateway to

Heaven. We learn how to love others along with having a relationship with God. we can

get closest to God through the church.

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