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SUNY CANTON Early Childhood Program

Activity Idea / Lesson Plan

Name: Aine McMorrow

Classroom Theme: Physical Activity

Implementation Date: 4/11/2018

Start of Lesson Plan: 11:15am-12:00

Age Group: Kindergarten

Focus Area: Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

Title of Lesson: Spin & Move

Concept Statement: The children will develop control and strength over their large muscles by engaging in the
spin & move activity.

Objective One
HESOLF Domain: Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development
Sub-Domain: Gross Motor
Goal Code: P-PMP 1.
Goal: Child demonstrates control, strength, and coordination of large muscles.
Objective One: The children will enhance their coordination and flexibility by engaging in each exercise.

Objective Two
HESOLF Domain: Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development
Sub-Domain: Gross Motor
Goal Code: P-PMP.2
Goal: Child uses perceptual information to guide motions and interactions with objects and

Objective Three
HESOLF Domain: Cognition
Sub-Domain: Imitation and symbolic representation and play
Goal Code: IT-C 12.
Goal: Child uses objects or symbols to represent something else.
Objective Three: The children will gain an understanding that what the spinner lands on represents the
exercise they must perform.

1. Spinner
2. Markers
3. Paper plate
4. Music in the background
I will wear athletic sportswear to class.

1. We will do a warm up to begin. I will explain that each child will have the opportunity to spin the
2. When the spinner stops we will perform that exercise together for example, 5 toe touches. 10
jumping jacks.
3. We will do this until each child has had two turns.
4. We will conclude by doing a cooldown.

We will do a cool down stretching activity along with music.
I will ask each child to bunny hop to the blue line for the next activity.

Supplemental Materials
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