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2 Content Pedagogy

2.1 Creating: Apply content pedagogy to create appropriate uses of processes and technologies

to improve learning and performance outcomes.

2.1.1 Instructional Design

The Instructional Design instructional project was designed with the idea that if

you take the central idea of the most significant learning theories and apply them

to instructional content, you will increase the chances of improving learning for a

greater number of learners. The training program was designed as a hands-on

instructor led course held in a computer lab. The instructor can provide

reinforcement when the learners successfully completes a task in accordance with

the Behaviorism Theory. The instructional content with hands-on training in a

computer lab incorporates repetition and practice to encourage retention per the

Cognitivism Theory. The Constructivism Theory will encourage the instructor to

lead at first and then allow the learner to complete the repetition tasks in their

own way. Providing instruction in a computer lab supports the learners acquisition

of 21st Century Skills necessary for the task and the digital age. And finally,

empowering the learner to become an active participant in their own learning

through further exploration and completion of the tasks support the Humanism

Theory. Actively engaging the student through questions and the completion of

tasks further supports content pedagogy in the Graduate Assistant Employment

Procedures training program.


2.2 Using: Implement appropriate educational technologies and processes based on

appropriate content pedagogy.

2.2.1 Instructional Design

The Graduate Assistant Employment Procedures training session was designed

using the THINK then DO Instructional Design Model and implements appropriate

educational technologies and processes based on appropriate content pedagogy.

The target audience are adult learners in professional accounting and

administrative positions with prior knowledge of accounting and word processing

systems. The instructional goal is to document and instruct the steps and

processes required to complete employment tasks. Appropriate educational

technologies and content pedagogy for this instructional program include an

instructor with extensive knowledge of Microsoft Word and the BASIS system as

well as a thorough understanding of the employment procedures and their

purpose. The required transaction and the submission of a sample transaction will

demonstrate the prior knowledge and skills of the BASIS accounting system.

Program delivery will be in a computer lab to offer hands-on synchronous

instruction, the instructor will demonstrate knowledge of the content and

employment procedures, and display knowledge and experience of the pre-

requisites, Microsoft Word and BASIS, prior to delivering the instruction. Verifiable

and executable content will be available to allow users to complete the tasks

instructed and provided in the learning material. The use of these educational

technologies and appropriate content pedagogy enhance learning in a live lecture.


Supporting the live lecture are presentation hand-outs, hands-on training,

questions and active discussion, and immediate feedback.

2.3 Assessing/ Evaluating: Assess the adequacy of learning and evaluate the instruction and

implementation of technologies and processes.

2.3.1 Distance Learning

The Enhancement and Productivity Tools course designed for the Distance

Learning course includes several forms of assessment and evaluation. The first

assessment is a Technology Skills Assessment to create a baseline for future

measurement of learning. The skills assessment is not graded but it does provide

points for completion. Formative assessments are in the form of quizzes and are

included in every learning module. The quizzes measure the content learned for

each learning objective and module. Summative quizzes are included as

assignments for each learning objective and module and serve as a measurement

and application of the skills learned. A final summative assessment is in the form

of a final project that the student will design and create and must include at least

two of the advanced skills learned in the course. The final project will serve as a

summative assessment and will provide a demonstration of the advanced skills

learned. A final technology skills assessment will be conducted and will serve as

an evaluation tool. The initial and the final technology skills assessment will be

compared and used to support changes in the instructional content pedagogy.


2.4 Managing: Manage processes and resources to provide supportive learning communities,

create flexible and diverse learning environments, and demonstrate appropriate content


2.4.1 Distance Learning

Managing processes and resources was evidenced in the Enhancement and

Productivity Tools course due to the large number of applications and external

resources used in the course. The course was designed to operate in the

Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) as a distance learning course. All

communication was online, and all assignments were completed with one or more

application. Initial management and demonstration of appropriate content

pedagogy began with the division of the learning environment into distinct

modules that worked with one primary application at a time. This meant that

when the learning module was teaching a PowerPoint activity, the primary

application was PowerPoint. Any other applications used, whether internal or

external to Blackboard were limited and secondary to the learning needs

associated with the primary application. For engagement and demonstration of

enhanced techniques, communication typically provided in written format was

also introduced in an alternate media form in support of a diverse learning

environment. Resources and applications used to for instructional content were

stated as Microsoft applications with options to utilize other productivity software

available to the learner. Further management of resources and processes included

access to tutorials available as open access applications such as available on

EVIDENCE OF STANDARDS ACHIEVEMENT 5 Ensuring that all applications and resources were available to

all learners and were appropriately related to the learning module was

accomplished with careful management of available resources.

2.5 Ethics: Design and select media, technology, and processes that emphasize the diversity of

our society.

2.5.1 Distance Learning

Emphasizing the diversity of our society is demonstrated in the Enhancement and

Productivity Distance Learning course by designing a course that utilizes

technology applications heavily used by learners of all ages, cultures, educational

levels, and positions in their community or society. Emphasizing diversity also

instills the responsibility to ensure that as a professional, my actions, designs, and

decisions are ethical, non-discriminatory, and show a commitment to the student,

the AECT society, and the profession. Ethics, in the Distance Learning course, are

demonstrated in the course design through compliance with copyright laws,

publishing only original work, and following Blackboard publication policies and

procedures. Ethics are also demonstrated in the design with adherence to design

principles that demonstrate respect and sensitivity to the diversity of the audience

that the course is designed for. And, in all cases, I will always remain open to

constructive criticism that improves my work and better serves my audience.

Additional considerations for diversity and respect of the individual are in the

design of instructional modules and processes that can be completed in the order

that benefits the learner based on their educational needs, time constraints, skill

levels, and job-related or personal development needs. Media utilized includes a

learning management system available to private, corporate, and educational

institutions with ready access to the online services, internet-based tutorials such

as GCF Learn Free which are available in multiple languages, and communication

and collaboration inspired technologies such as wiki’s, discussion boards, and

blogs. Through the Blackboard Discussions Boards, Wikis, and Blog features,

multiple forms of communication and collaboration are encouraged and support

an inclusive and respectful learning environment where opinions and ideas can be

voiced and shared. Supporting the use of alternate productivity software that is

available to the learner further supports the diverse nature of the students

learning through an online environment and the opportunities therein.

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