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Friday 15 as April as 2016

What is the theory Pixar

This hypothesis connects studio films in a plot where machines and animals evolve and face, with increasing
success, to humans.

All animated films produced since 1995 by Pixar, based in Emeryville (EE. UU.), Would be connected by a
thread, so that they are successive stages of a universal chronology that begins with Brave, set in the Scottish
Middle Ages, up Monsters SA, which would be the most futuristic.

That's the theory of Jon Negroni, a young man who has analyzed cross-Pixar film productions references.
According to him, all his films reflect a single great theme: the evolution of animals and machines, increasingly
endowed with human qualities, to a growing antagonism with people. It can be seen Ratatouille, Remy mouse
with the cook; later in Finding Nemo; and the dog Dug Up, which communicates through a translator necklace
barking. The maximum degree of animal evolution would be its transformation into creatures that terrify the
children of human Monster S. A, as Jose Angel Martos account in the Extra Questions and Answers No. 36
very interesting.

On the other hand, machines or objects in The Incredibles tried unsuccessfully to defeat forcibly human
superheroes and Toy Story suffer thankless oblivion of young Andy, will use artificial intelligence to dominate
the world, as reflected in Wall -AND.

This ingenious speculation, which dissects each plot or subplot of the sixteen Pixar films between 1995 and
2015, has been published by its author in the book The Pixar Theory and your blog.

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