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It was dark. Nothing but a light from above hovered over the red door.

Chills ran up my
spine which made me shake violently. I hesitated in front of the doorway. I knew what
was waiting behind the crimson door. I knew he was waiting for me. I've been avoiding
him for many years, but I knew eventually I would have to face him. My chest tightened
and my heart ached. Can I be spared from this? Is there another way?
I slowly reached for the golden doorknob. I grasped it tightly then turned it to the left.
The door opened towards me, the hinges making a creaking sound. I then gradually
walked through. It was still dark and the air was heavy. Suddenly, a light from above
glistened upon a single wooden chair. I was puzzled, but I knew the chair was reserved
for me. I walked towards the chair and slowly sat down. I waited. It seemed like an
eternity, but then there was another light from above and it shined down on a man sitting
across from me. He sat on a throne that was made out of metal and behind him was an
upside down cross.The man though was very beautiful in his features and he looked
around my age. His face looked as if it was from a painting and his body was like a solid
rock. He was barefoot and his hair was a light auburn color. He wore a white collared
shirt that was open half way with the sleeves rolled up and wore black slick pants. His
forearms were muscular and they looked as if they were sculpted from pure marble. I
gazed in awe. He looked like a model. Everything about him was beautiful and alluring.
But there was one thing about him that was not right. It was his eyes. His eyes were dark
as the night sky. There was no light within them. Then I knew. I almost forgot who he
I sat there and waited. He grinned at me slightly then spoke. "You know who I am." His
voice was rugged and was like a whisper in the wind. "I know who you are.", I said
bravely. I sat back and held on to the arms of my chair tightly.
"I've been waiting for you"
"I know.." Then there was silence for a minute, I kept my head down. I could feel his cold
eyes pierce through me. Then he spoke.
Do you think you are smarter than I am?" He said this with some aggression in his voice.
My eyes began to tear up and suddenly tears cascaded down my cheeks softly. I looked at
him with passionate hate then put my head back down.
Then he spoke with a malicious smile on his face, "Your sins have been counted over and
over again. I know them by heart and so do you" I shot my head up and stared at his
handsome face. "What can you say that I'm not willing to admit?"
"Oh you know what I'm talking about minus peccator." His voice sounded pure.
He started naming my sins. One by one, he counted them. To the deepest corners of my
mind, to telling a little white lie, he named them all. Tears poured down my face. A wave
of shame and regret passed over me like a storm. I buried my face in my hands. "Stop it."
I said between sobs. He laughed, but his laughter was deep and like a growl. It shook my
very soul. I looked up at him and almost spoke, but no words came out. The words he
spoke was like a dagger going through my heart.
"What do you want from me?" I shouted loudly at him standing up from my chair. He
slowly rose from his blasphemis throne and started walking towards me. "You don't
belong to God minus peccator, you belong to me. You chose me a long time ago without
even knowing." He said with a grin. "Do you think God wants you? You who sin against
Him over and over again?" I stared speechless at him. He stood in front of me looking at
me with his black lifeless eyes. He reached his hand and touched my face gently. He got
closer. "You belong to me."
He stroked my face with his hand softly. His breath was sweet upon the crevice of my
neck. I closed my eyes and I reached out for him and pulled him in close. I felt helpless to
his words. He pulled me in closer and whispered "You're mine, dulcis anima mea.."
Suddenly it hit me like a tidal wave. I opened my eyes, pulled away slightly and looked at
him. His eyes were black as coal. "I don't belong to you." I whispered back at him. He
pulled away and stared at me. "I can repent for my sins. I still have a chance of salvation.
You had the kingdom of God, but you lost it." He slowly backed away from me, anger in
his eyes. All at once his beautiful features changed. His mouth became like a dogs and his
body disfigured to an animal like creature. His skin turned like rust and he crouched like
a gargoyle. Black wings sprouted from his back and he roared in pain like an animal. His
eyes burned yellow then he turned and stared at me. He grunted and groaned. I looked in
horror, but I stood my ground. "I will never leave you." He said in a dark
raspy demon like voice.
"I know."
He roared in disgust then flew away in the black abyss...
I finally faced my demon, but my demon wasn't ready to face me...

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