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Subject Area: Reading

Overview: This lesson is designed for students ages 5-6 in a kindergarten classroom. The
students will listen to the story and be able to identify the characters, setting, problem, and
solution of the story. Then they will draw out the beginning, middle, and end. Students will be
able to retell a story and identify the problem of a story.

Iowa Core Standard: RL.K.3

Student Learning Objective: With prompting and support, identifying characters, setting, and
major events in a story.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Connection: 1-2 Remember/understand

Multiple Intelligence connection: Logistic, Spacial, Interpersonal

Materials: My Friend Rabbit book, Retell worksheet

1. Instruct the students to be listening for a problem (1 min).
“We are going to be reading the book, My Friend Rabbit, while listening I would like you guys
to find the problem in the story”
2. Review the terms with the students; Problem, Characters, Setting, Solution (3 min).
“What is a problem? What are characters? What is a setting? What is a solution?”
3. Read the story, pointing out the characters, setting, and problem (10 min).
“Who are the main characters in the story?
“Where does the setting take place?
“What do you think the problem is?
4. Have students fill out the worksheet with characters, setting, problem, and solution (with
prompting) (3 min).
“Now that we have read, My Friend Rabbit we are going to work on this worksheet fill in the
characters, where the story takes place, what the problem was, and how the problem was solved”
5. Then flip the paper over and fill out the beginning, middle, and end, drawing pictures if
needed (3 min).
“Then after you finish that, turn your paper over and write or draw if you need to, what happened
in the beginning of the story, the middle, and the end”

Assessments: Retell Storyboard – Follow along and understand the problem of a story, pick out
the problem, characters, and setting in the story.

Wrap- up/ Follow- up: Review definitions of characters, setting, problem, and solution to make
sure the students understand and take away from what they learned.


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