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Goodyear tire and rubber company left a scoring system based on the achievements of interns

to hire employees only because of the discrimination of the lawyers whowill plan to document
the things of the law. Goodyear party said that it would be dropping most of the
programs included with what is called the program "10-80-10", which in essence makes the level
of salary of the employee such as a curve, the top10 percent are classified A, 80 percent in the middle
of classified B and 10 percent lowest classified c. 10 percent who are on the bottom are not
eligible for salary increases or bonuses and earn a warning that they might lose his job.

The system is similar to that developed by General Electric Chairman John f. Welch Jr. and often proud
of helping to build structures in cooperation with high achievement. But the Goodyear who have
adopted the system two years ago encountered many obstacles. The system clearly give rise
to misunderstanding and confusing people, said Keith Price, a Goodyear spokesman. He denied that
the Akron, Ohio, tire company has been converted as a result of the pressure of a legitimate law,
Goodyearhas never faced a lawsuit.

The lawsuit asserts that workers who earn the classification of C is an insult and taintamong co-
workers and German Manager. The legal authority of the AARP, was originally known by the name
of the Assembly the retired Americans, joined the lawsuitas an adviser to his assistant. Most of
the plaintiffs in that case are the Goodyear workers aged above 50 years old and earn rank c. this
case will reveal the intent of the target level of achievements made by the workers who are old are
treated not fair deemed illegal and not given tolerance, "as unveiled by Laurie McCann from AARP.

ack McGilvrey, a worker with 59 years of age, is one of the names in the list of pengugatan. He
claimed that he always received a good worker "assessment/effective" on work
achievement formally reviewed at the end of the 1990s. In 2000, he received a rank "the effectiveness
of the most high". But in February 2001, he was transferred to the new Department and briefly and
then placed on a rank C in the review of the achievements of his work. This lawsuit confirms
that Mr. McGilvrey doesn't deserve judgment and accept it as part of a
plan to mendiskriminasi against Goodyear workers with older age. He then refused.

Lawsuit on Goodyear has a lot in common with the Ford Motor Company. In this case also related
to AARP, the company modified the planning is contrary to legal issues. The case at Ford may soon be

In modifying the system of ranking with regard to Office work, the Goodyear says, it will replace
the rank of A, B, and C with the term more hope, hope that was fulfilled,and dissatisfaction. There is
no requirement to determine rank in a set percentage of employees. The company's Party also said it
was a step training for managers, so they learn to handle a better job in reviewing the achievements
of the work. Goodyear has 28,000 employees worldwide.

1. What things cause the pros and cons on distribution system the company used Goodyear?
2. Do you agree or not with the lawsuit on lawsuits? Why?
3. Regardless of the intent to change to the scoring system, what recommendations would you make
to company Goodyear?

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