Correction Translation Unit 3

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1.A: Ahir a la nit vaig anar al cine per veure “Passengers”, que a tothom li agrada tant. No
obstant això, no hi havia gairebé ningú al cine. B: Vas anar enlloc més després del cinema?
No, ningú volia anar enlloc perquè tothom tenia alguna altra cosa a fer.

A: Last night, I went to the cinema to see “Passengers”, which everybody likes a lot.
However, there was hardly anybody/anyone in the cinema. B:Did you go anywhere else
after the cinema? A: No, nobody wanted to go anywhere because everybody had
something else to do.

2. El director i el productor d’aquesta pel.lícula d’època es veuen cada setmana des de fa un

mes per parlar sobre els actors, els quals no volen fer les escenes de risc. Un dels actors
es va fer mal mentre gravava una escena perillosa. Només volen gravar escenes no danyines.
Consideren que alguns trucs haurien de ser prohibits.

The director and producer of this costume drama have been seeing each other for a
month to talk about the actors, who don’t want to do the stunts. One of the actors
hurt himself while they were recording / shooting a dangerous scene. They only want
to record harmless scenes. They consider that some of the stunts should be banned.

3. Tot i que ens odiem, en Frank i jo posem bona cara sigui on sigui que ens trobem. Ningú
més sap que no ens suportem (stand). No importa qui ens vegi, pensarà que som bons amics.
No m’agrada ser fals, cosa que de vegades és necessari.
Although we hate each other, Frank and I put on a brave face wherever we meet.
Nobody else knows that we can’t stand each other. Whoever sees us, will think that
we are good friends. I don’t like to be / being two-faced, which is sometimes

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