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Micah Marrain Mr.

1/29/16 Scholar’s Challenge#8B Pascal

It is my Mother’s birthday and I have a picture of me and her

that I want to give to her. One problem was that I want to frame
the picture but it is very expensive, so I decided that I will make
the frame by myself. I have measured the width and the length of
the picture and thought that I don’t want the area of the picture
and frame to exceed a certain amount of square inches. Another
problem is that I need to determine the maximum width of the
For this problem the first step that I made was to put in
Variables for the frame width and length. For the length it is
(8+2x) and the width is (6+2x). I got these expressions from the
measurements of the picture, 8 inches for the length and 6 inches
for the width. After I took those expressions and turned it into a
inequality.(6+2x)(8+2x)< 100 square inches.Then I started to
solve it.
(6+2x)(8+2x)<100 The first step was to distribute.
48+12x+16x+4x^2<100 At this point the inequality was
a Trinomial.A Trinomial is an expression with three terms.
48+28x+4x^2<100 The second step was to combine
like terms.
4x^2+28x+48<100 At this point I did inverse operations.
-48 -48
4x^2+28>52 Then I factored out the Greatest common
factor and used inverse operations.
4 4
x^2+7x< 13 After I couldn't simplify any more I knew
that I had to do a guess and check chart because I was still trying
to find the variable.

Any # x^2 +7x < 13 Check

2 4 14 18< 13 high
3 9 21 30< 13 too high
1.5 2.25 10.5 12.75< 13 good

The answer is any number that is lower than 2 as the

width and length.

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