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Rezolvari Atestat:Baze de Date

Baze de date
 Problema 1:
b) select medic from consultatii

where to_date(data_consult,'dd/mon/yyyy')='01/dec/12' ;
c) select sum(b.pret) as "Suma platita" from pacienti a,consultatii b .
where a.cnp=b.cnp and trim(upper(a.nume))='GEORGESCU PAUL'

 Problema 2:
b) select b.nume,b.prenume from destinatii a,clienti2 b

where and trim(upper(a.nume))='VIENA'

order by b.nume ;
c) select nume from destinatii
where pret in ((select min(pret) from destinatii) ,(select max(pret) from destinatii)) .

 Problema 3:
b) select a.nume,a.prenume,b.data_inregistrarii as"Data inregistrarii " from abonati
a,interventii b
where a.cnp=b.cnp and to_date(data_inregistrarii,'dd/mon/yyyy')= '1/jan/2013' ;
c) select data_inregistrarii,termen_limita from interventii
where trim(upper(stare))='NEEFECTUAT' .

Problema 4: NU
 Problema 5:
b) select a.nume,a.adresa,b.nume_caine as "Numele cainelui" ,b.premiu from stapani
a,caini b
where a.cnp=b.cnp and trim(lower(a.nume))='vladoi cristinel' ;
c) select a.nume as"Numele stapanului",b.nume_caine as"Numele cainelui",b.premiu from
stapani a,caini b
where a.cnp=b.cnp
order by b.premiu .

 Problema 6:
b) select b.nume,a.denumire,b.data_nasterii from specii a,animale b
Rezolvari Atestat:Baze de Date

where a.ids=b.ids and sysdate-b.data_nasterii=(select max(sysdate-data_nasterii) from

animale) ;
c) select Initcap(b.nume) as "Nume", Initcap(a.denumire) as "Denumire" from specii a,
animale b
where a.ids=b.ids
order by a.denumire .

 Problema 7:
c) select a.denumire,a.capitala,b.populatie,b.nume as"Numele orasului" from tari a,orase b
where a.cod_t=b.cod_t and b.populatie in ((select min(populatie) from orase) , (select
max(populatie) from orase)) .

 Problema 8:
b) select a.nume,a.prenume,b.denumire as"Reclama" from clienti a,reclame b
where a.idc=b.idc
order by a.nume asc ;
c) select a.nume,a.prenume,a.adresa from clienti a,reclame b
where a.idc=b.idc and b.nr_difuzari=(select max(nr_difuzari) from reclame) .

 Problema 9:
c) select sum(a.locuri)as "Numar de persoane" from masini a,curse b
where and to_char(b.data_plecarii,'dd/mon/yy'y)='01/May/2013' .

 Problema 10:
b) select b.titlu,b.autor,b.pret from edituri a,carti b

where a.cod=b.cod and trim(lower(a.nume))='nemira'

order by b.titlu ;

c) select sum(pret) As"Pret total" from carti

where trim(lower(autor))='ion creanga' .

 Problema 11:
b) select a.denumire as"Departament",b.nume as"Coordonator" from departamente
a,angajati b
Rezolvari Atestat:Baze de Date

where a.cod=b.cod and trim(lower(b.functia))='coordonator departament' ;

c) select a.denumire,count(b.cnp) as"Nr angajati" from departamente a,angajati b

where a.cod=b.cod

group by a.denumire .

Problema 12: NU.

 Problema 13:
b) select a.adresa,b.etaj as "Etaj",b.cod as"Numarul" from cladiri a,apartamente b

where a.cod=b.cod_cladire and a.nivele>2 ;

c) select a.adresa,b.etaj as "Etaj",b.cod as"Numarul",b.camere from cladiri a,apartamente b

where a.cod=b.cod_cladire and b.camere=(select max(camere) from apartamente) .

 Problema 14:
b) select a.denumire,avg(b.varsta) as"Media" from cluburi a,sportivi b

where a.cod=b.cod_club

group by a.denumire

order by a.denumire;

c) select b.nume,b.prenume,a.denumire,b.varsta from cluburi a,sportivi b

where a.cod=b.cod_club and b.varsta=(select max(varsta) from sportivi)

order by b.nume .

 Problema 15:
b) select b.nume,b.prenume,a.suma_restanta from locatari b,apartamente15 a

where a.coda=b.coda and a.suma_restanta=(select max(suma_restanta) from

apartamente15) ;

c) select nume,prenume,loc_munca from locatari

where loc_munca=: JOB

order by nume .

Problema 16:NU
Rezolvari Atestat:Baze de Date

 Problema 17:
b) select a.nume,b.nume as "echipa" from jucatori a,echipe b

where a.code=b.code and b.nume=:ECHIPA ;

c) select b.nume, avg(a.salariu) as"Media salariilor" from jucatori a,echipe b

where a.code=b.code

group by b.nume .

 Problema 18:
b) select b.nume,b.prenume,b.absente,a.tip from burse a,elevi18 b

where and b.absente=(select max(absente) from elevi) and

trim(upper(a.tip))='SOCIALA' ;

c) select a.tip,count(b.cnp) as"Numar de burse alocate" from elevi18 b,burse a


group by a.tip .

 Problema 21:
b) select nume,pret from rechizite

order by pret desc ;

c) select a.nume,sum(b.cantitate) as"Cantitatea totala" from rechizite a,vanzari b


group by a.nume .

 Problema 22:
b) select destinatie,durata from excursii

where durata<10 and lower(substr(destinatie,1,1) )not in ('a','e','i','o','u') ;

c) select a.destinatie,b.nume from excursii a,turisti b


order by b.nume desc .

Rezolvari Atestat:Baze de Date

 Problema 23:
b) select a.nume,a.prenume,a.nr_tel from mecanici a,masini23 b

where a.cnp=b.cnp and to_char(b.data_reparatiei,'dd/mon/yyyy')='01/may/2013' ;

c) select sum(b.pret) from mecanici a,masini23 b

where a.cnp=b.cnp and trim(lower(b.nume_proprietar))='ionescu vasile'

 Problema 25:
b) select a.titlu,b.nume,a.domeniu from publicatii a,abonamente b

where and trim(upper(a.domeniu))=’IT’

order by b.nume ;
c) select as”Cod publicatie”,a.titlu as “Titlu publicatie”,a.domeniu as”Domeniul tratat”
,a.pret as”Pretul”,a.pret+(a.pret*24/100) as”Pret cu TVA” from publicatii a,abonamente b .
Problema 26:NU

 Problema 27:
b)select a.denumire as”Denumirea proiectului”,b.buget as”Buget
vechi”,b.buget+10/100*buget as”Buget nou” from proiecte a,participant b
where ;
c)select denumire,data from proiecte
where to_char(data,’dd/mon/yyyy’)=’dd/mon/2009’.

 Problema 28 :
b) select b.prenume,a.clasa from diriginti a,elevi b
where .id=b.ide and trim(lower(a.clasa))=’9b’ ;
c) select b.numea as “Nume elev”,b.prenume as “Prenume elev”,a.nume as “Nume diriginte”
,a.prenume as “Prenume diriginte” from diriginti a,elevi b
where and a.specializare=:Specializarea
order by b.nume asc .

 Problema 29:
b) select b.titlu as”Titlul filmului”,b.buget as”Bugetul”, as”Anul aparitiei”,a.nume as
“Numele regizorului” from regizori a,filme b
where and buget<30000
Rezolvari Atestat:Baze de Date

order by b.titlu asc;


 Problema 30 :
b) select b.nume,b.salariu,a.denumire as”Aria curricular” from arii a,profesori b
where a.cod=b.cod and premiu=NULL ;
c) select min(b.salariu) as”Salariul minim”,max(b.salariu) as “Salariul maxim”,a.denumire as
“Aria curricular” from arii a,profesori b
where a.cod=b.cod
group by a.denumire .

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