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Mir AI Control Panel 1.

Language File=english_translation.txt
Author=Miranda Blade
Save changes=Your configuration has been changed. Do you wish to save it now?
Config saved=Config.lua has been saved
Please relog=Please relog to your Ragnarok Online client, to load the new
Config updated=Old or missing configuration data have been updated
Delete?=Do you really want to delete this item?
GB_Motion.Caption=Kind Homunculus
CB_DontChase.Caption=Don't move
CB_DontChase.Hint=Ranged attack mode: the homunculus doesn't chase the enemy and
does only long range bolts, until the monster comes close.
CB_AdvMotion.Caption=Try to detect area spells and frozen monsters
CB_AdvMotion.Hint=This works for aggressive monsters only and can give false
CB_DetectNoPots.Caption=Detect out of potion
CB_DetectNoPots.Hint=With this option checked, the AI disables Auto Aid Potion when
you are out of potion
CB_NoMovingTargets.Caption=Don't attack moving monsters
CB_NoMovingTargets.Hint=The AI don't attack a monster that is walking or following
CB_Your1st.Caption=Take care of homunculus enemies first
CB_Your1st.Hint=The homunculus will kill ALL his/her enemies before to help the
CB_SwitchTarget.Caption=Switch target on battle, to go to help the owner
CB_SwitchTarget.Hint=OFF=the homunc finishes his/her enemy off first, then he/she
comes to help you
GB_AAP.Caption=Auto Aid Potion (Potion Pitcher) Support
Lbl_AidPotMinHP.Caption=When homunculus HPs are less than:
Trk_AAP_Perc.Hint=Percentage of HPs left
CB_PotType.Item[0]=Throw Red Potions (lvl 1)
CB_PotType.Item[1]=Throw Orange Potions (lvl 2)
CB_PotType.Item[2]=Throw Yellow Potions (lvl 3)
CB_PotType.Item[3]=Throw White Potions (lvl 4)
CB_PotType.Hint=Skill level
CB_AAP_Mode.Item[1]=Support evasive maneuvers
CB_AAP_Mode.Item[2]=Support attacks
CB_AAP_Mode.Item[3]=Support attacks and evasive maneuvers
CB_AAP_Mode.Item[4]=Support everytime (in idle mode too)
CB_AAP_Mode.Hint=Circumnstances in wich Auto Aid Potion will be used
GB_HomuATK.Caption=Homunculus: Attack and Evade
Lbl_AtkMinHP.Caption=Attack when HPs >
Lbl_EvadeMinHP.Caption=Evade when HP <
Lbl_SkillTimeOut.Caption=Max time for skills (ms):
Edit_SkillTimeOut.Hint=No aggressive skills (Caprice or Moonlight) after this time,
but for "with_full_power" mode
Edit_MaxRange.Hint=(cells) the homunculus disengages from attacks when he/she is
too far
Lbl_MaxDistance.Caption=Max enemy distance from the alchemist:
CB_NoAggro.Hint=OFF = aggressive ("attack" mode) against monsters that are not in
the Tact List. ON = passive ("react") for these monsters
CB_CircleOnIdle.Caption=Circle around the alchemist when full
CB_CircleOnIdle.Hint=When the HPs and SPs are full, the homunculus repeats a
sequence of steps, as specified in Patrol.lua
CB_FollowAtOnce.Caption=Follow the alchemist at once
CB_FollowAtOnce.Hint=If the alchemist moves away from the enemy, stop any attack or
interception and follow the alchemist at once
GB_AAA.Caption=Alchemist Auto Attacks
Lbl_Weapon.Caption=Weapon with skill:
Lbl_AAAMinSP.Caption=Min SP
CB_CartRevo.Item[1]=for single target too
CB_CartRevo.Item[2]=for 2 or more targets
CB_CartRevo.Item[3]=for 3 or more targets
CB_CartRevo.Item[4]=for 4 or more targets
CB_CartRevo.Hint=Required minimum conditions in order to cast Auto Cart Revolution
CB_CrazyUproar.Hint=Auto cast Crazy Uproar when you attack
GB_HPRange.Caption=HP Range
Btn_Create.Caption=Save configuration
Btn_Create.Hint=Update Config.lua with your new settings
Tab_Skill.Caption=Homunculus Skills
Lbl_Tab_HomunSkills.Caption=Please choose the minimum amount of SP for each skill
and the skill level to use (OFF = skill disabled).
Lbl_MobName.Caption=Monster Name
Spin_AAA_MinHP.Hint=Auto attacks don't starts if alchemist's HPs are less than this
value (so you have the time to use a tele clip)
Spin_AAA_MaxHP.Hint=Auto attacks don't starts if alchemist's HPs are more than this
value (choose a value > your max HP to disable this)
CB_AST.Hint=Weapon based skill: please specify your equipped special weapon
Spin_Skill_AMI_BULW.Hint=Minimum SP amount required to cast this skill
Edit_TactID.Hint=RO Monster ID. Please click on the ID link to serach for an ID
Edit_TactName.Hint=You can write what you like here: the AI looks only at the ID
CB_TactBehav.Hint=AI behaviour against the selected monster
CB_TactSkill.Hint=Skill usage against the selected monster
Btn_TactAdd.Hint=Add a new tactic or a new separator
Btn_TactDel.Hint=Delete this row
Btn_TactUp.Hint=Move this row up
Btn_TactDown.Hint=Move this row down

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