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. = 10-5. LINE INCLINED TO BOTH THE PLANES ZA, This book is accompanied by a computer CD, which contains an audun sual cenCTAKe animation presented ior beiter visualization and understanding of the Cocxivaos’ subject. Readers are requested to refer Presentation module 24 for the line inclined to both the planes. (a) A line AB (fig. 10-9) is inclined at @ to the H.P. and is parallel to the V.P. The end A is in the H.P. AB is shown as the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, making. the angle @ with the base. Fic. 10-9 a ge EE The top view ab Is shorter than AB and parallel to xy. The front view a ie equal to AB and maked the angle @ with xy. Keeping the end A fixed and the le @ with the H.P. constant, if the end 8 Is moved to any position, say B;, the line becomes Inclined to the VP. also. In the top view, b will move along an arc, drawn with a as centre and ab as radius, to a position b;. The new top view ab; is equal to ad but shorter_than AB. In the front view, b' will move to a point b', keeping its distance from xy constant and equal to b’o; i.e. it will move along the line pg, drawn through 6' and parallel to xy. This line pq is the locus or path of the end 8 in the front view. b', will lie on the projector through by. The new front view a'b'; is shorter than a’b' (i.e. AB) and makes an angle a with xy. q is greater than @, Thus, it can be seen that as long as the inclination @ of AB with the H.P. is constant, even when it is inclined to the V.P. () its length in the top view, viz. ab remains constant; and (ii) the distance between the paths of its ends in the front view, viz. b'o remains constant. (b) The same line AB (fig. 10-10) is inclined at @ to the V.P. and is parallel to the H.P. Its end A is in the V.P. AB is shown as the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle making the angle @ with the base. Fic. 10-10 The front view a'b'z Is shorter than AB and parallel abz Is equal to AB and makes an angle g ‘with ays ‘eee Keeping the end A fixed and the an; gle @ with the V.P. const: t, if B is . Moved to any position, say 4y, the line will become inclined to the HR also. 3 inthe iron vie, by, wa moe atone the arc, drawn with a’ as centre and a'b', as radius, to a position b's. New front vi 'b's Ii | to a'b', but Is shorter than AB. : et ctions of Straight Lines 203 Art, 10-6) In the top view, bz will move to a point by along ihe foe of through bz and parallel to xy, thus keeping its distance pairs sob ew: 4, viz, 620 constant. rs Is the locus of path of the end B In ? ob is The point bs Iles on the projector through 6’. The new top te 2 “shorter than ab, (\.e, AB) and makes an angle B with xy. B Is greater . Here also we find that, as long as the inclination of AB. with the V.P. does not change, even when it becomes inclirféd to the H.P. (i) its length in the front view, viz. ab, remains constant; and ; (ii) the distance between the paths of its ends in the top view, viz. b0 remains constant. Hence, when a line is inclined to both the planes, its projections are shorter than the true length and inclined to xy at angles greater than the true inclinations. These angles viz. a and f are called apparent angles of inclination. ‘10-6. PROJECTIONS OF LINES. INCLINED TO BOTH FA, THE PLANES XS From Art. 10-5(a) above, we find that as long as the inclination of AB with the H.P. is constant , () its length in the top view, viz. ab remains constant, and (ii) in the front view, the distance between the loci of its ends, viz. b'o remains constant. In other words if (i) its length in the top view is equal to ab, and (i) the distance between the paths of its ends in the front view is equal to bo, the inclination of AB with the H.P. will be equal to 6. Similarly, from Art. 10-5(b) above, we find that as long as the inclination of AB with the V.P. is constant (i) _ its length in the front view, viz. ab’, remains constant, and (i) in the top view, the distance between the loci of its ends, viz. b20 remains constant. The reverse of this is also true, viz. (if its length in the front view is equal to’a'b',, and (ii) the distance between the paths of its ends in the top view is equal to 620, the inclination of AB with the V.P. will be equal to 9. Combining the above two findings, we conclude that when AB is inclined at 6 the H.P. and at-@ to the V.P. . () Its lengths in the top view and the front view will be equal to ab and a'b', Tespectively, and (ll) the distances between the paths of its ends In.the front view and the top view will be equal to b',0. and b20 respectively, In pit two lengths when arranged with thelr ends In thelr respective paths and ia preections with each other will be the projections of the line AB, as illustrated M 10-4, 10-4, to 204 Engineering Drawing Problem 10-4. Given the line AB, its _inclin the V.P. and the position of one end A. To draw its proj Mark the front view a’ and the top view a according to the given position of A (fig. 10.12) s first determine the lengths of A8 in the top view and the front view ang Let ui i i the paths of its ends in the front view and the top view. q (1) Assume AB to be paralle| to the V.R and inclined at 6 to the H.R. AB ig shown in the pictorial view as a side of the trapezoid ABba {fig. 10-11(i)). Draw the front view a'b’ equal to AB [fig. 10-12(i)} and inclined at @ to ay. Project the top view ab parallel to xy. Through a! and 5; _ draw lines cd and pq respectively parallel to xy. ab is the length of AB in the top view and, cd and pq are the paths of A and B respectively in the front view. Fic. 10-11 (2) Again, assume AB, (equal to AB) to be parallel to the H.P. and inclined at @ to the V.P. In the pictorial view (fig. 10-11(ii)], AB, is shown as a side of the trapezoid AByb',a’. Draw the top view ab; equal to AB [fig. 10-12(ii)} and inclined at @ to xy. Project the front view ab’, parallel to xy. Through a and by, draw lines ef and rs respectively parallel to xy. a'b; is the length of AB in the front view and, ef and rs are the paths ‘of A and B respectively in the top view. We may now arrange Fic. 10-12 (i) ab (the length in‘the top view) between its paths ef and rs, and (i) a'b'; (the length in the front view) between the paths cd and pq, keeping them in projection with each other, in one of the following two ways: (a) In case (1) [fig. 10-11(i)], .if the side Bb is turned about Aa, so that 6 comes on the path rs, the line AB will become inclined at 9 to the V.P. Therefore, with a as centre (fig. 10-12(i)] and radius equal to ab, draw an arc cutting rs at a point b2. Project b2 to b'2 on the path pq. — eT |

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