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Week one journal

Students names and ID number date (from 11 To 15 March-2018)

Fatema Alshahhi – H00271530
Journal title
Fourth week


This is a Part of my lesson plan it shows the steps of beginning of the lesson.

Journal body (250 words)

In this week I want to talk about the most important thing everyone need it
especially to the teacher. In my case, I found hard to control it in the teaching which is
time management. I know time management skill grow little by little with
experiments and practice over and over. Time management help teacher to do more
thing in less time or do task in specific time. Sometimes I have a problem in
estimating the right time for the task I have to do it .Fore example, at the beginning
teaching practice I was not able to estimate the time the students need it to do their
activity or how long will be take to explain the lesson. This was really real problem
and it was effecting on my performance during lesson. I followed up some strategies
to improve my skill of time management. Firstly, good and thoughtful planning of the
lesson. Secondly, think about levels of students and their performance .this is helping
me to predict how students will do in each step of the lesson. Thirdly, prepare further
task to do it if I finish the lesson early. Fourthly, observing My MST while teaching
and followed their advice had positive and effective results for developing my skills.
Lastly, I organize steps of the lesson and imagine it in my mind how it will be
everything. That are effective strategies it helped me much to do good job in my
lesson and avoid nervous because of time management.

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