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Week one journal

Students names and ID number date (from 11 To 15 Feb-2018)

Fatema Alshahhi – H00271530
Journal title
First Week


Students do their activity (write about 3D shape they have . with this group is a cylinder)
They have to mention the name of shape, how many vertices, faces and adages).

The teacher display 3D shape to students with picture of shape , name of shape, how many
vertices, faces and adages).

Journal body (250 words)

This week was my first Teaching Practice at RAK Academy PYP.

The class that I will be working with them is a grade three. My MST is
Mr.Lee and his assistant is Ms.Sofia. The number of student is twenty
one. They are of different nationalities. On Sunday, I met the students and
my MST. In the first session was guided reading. I followed students
while they were reading their own book in their groups. I helped and
encourage them to read it as they need. I helped students and encouraged
them to read. Moreover, I attended the ICT session and the students used
the computer to hear the story chosen by the Mr. Lee. On Tuesday, we
started the day with guided reading session and the teacher asked of me
taking one group " low level student" with Ms. Sofia outside class and
have students read a story then write summarize it in the this day
they had to go outside school because they had a work to do in sport day.
On Thursday, I was staying a full day .I happy with that because I started
build a relationship with students. I did some of work in this day. I
registered the attendance of students. I helped students after the teacher
read to them "The Iron Man Story" to fill in blanks of story. Also, I was
taking students to the canteen. Furthermore, I did observation to MST
while teaching math lesson. The lesson was about identifying 3D shape. I
saw how teacher mange the time of class, how organize the steps of
lesson .how was transfer students from task to task. In the end day; I
prepared with MST the lesson which I will explain it on Sunday. He gave
me some advice to how to go the lesson. I'm so excited to Sunday.

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