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Bohdana Kotubei

This story will be about the Droplet's journey,

which was formed in the foothills of the high mountains
at the dawn of a heat summer day.
Due to the vaporization of water after the summer
rain, it is clearly visible as the white gas rises in
the canyons of green fabulous mountains. Over time, it
becomes more and more, it becomes denser - clouds are
formed that rise high above the mountains and spread
over a large area.
As the air temperature drops to a height, the
process of condensation passes as a result, and at a
negative temperature - freezing. Heavy clouds do not
contain more of this weight and many droplets of water
return to the ground. Particle of them fell into the
mountain rivers and continued the journey as a liquid,
others - on the top of the mountains, turning into a
solid state - the snow. The tightly packed snow over
the years deposition under the influence of its weight
and the negative temperature turns into a glacier.
In the tropical latitudes of our planet there is a
phenomenon, which is called - sublimation, in which we
will not meet with Drop. Cold arctic air sometimes
progresses smoothly far to the south to the tropics,
causing snowfall, which, bypassing the heat, bypassing
the melting process, immediately transforms into gas.
The journey of our Droplets takes place
continuously, for millions of years, due to the
properties of staying in three aggregate states of the
most spread out mineral of the Earth - water. And let
this Droplex journey never end.

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