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A very good morning

To the charming chairperson

Honourable judges

Loyal timekeeper

And beloved friends

My name is Yusuf

and Yusuf is me

My name is Zahin

and Zahin is me

We stand here today

Not sitting down

Just to present to you

“What is it, Yusuf?”

A poem by Madam Afiqah

With the title of

“Yesterday and Today”


I could see the flowers

So many shapes and colours

Blooming perfectly nearby the rivers

Hummingbirds hummed a sweet rhyming sound

As their shadows dimmed the sunshine all the way

Spreading their wings against the wind

Flying free in an open sky

and yesterday, the air was fresh

as fresh as the wintry waters

of the mountain rivers.

The wind blew on the prairies

The wind blew on the moors

The wind blew in the ferries

Swirling up to wrap around our neck

like a piece of scarf

So smooth, so gentle, so soft

Beautiful earth was where we live in

Beautiful trees were found everywhere

Their beautiful bodies swayed in the breeze

So good, so fresh for us to breathe

And the birds stopped to rest in a ranch

With their back were being touched by the sun rays

Flew tirelessly

to the east,

to the west,

to the north

and to the south

Everything blended, entwined and embraced.

But it was yesterday

And so today

The earth is slowly dying

The sound of the birds chirping,

The sound of the animals playing,

Are no more to be heard.


All the animals are running away from fear

All the birds are flying away

All the flowers are covered with dust

All the plastic bags are drifting through the wind

All that’s left is just the sound of breeze carrying dust

Machines, machines, machines all the way

Heartlessly doing the jobs that are all assigned

It’s a modernisation, we say

To transform, we need to sacrifice!

There are no more things we can do ourselves

Without the help of the creatures made of steel

The glow of the cities pleases the eyes that see

We build buildings just to please our own self

The sound of machines is frequently playing

Becoming the music to our ears

For the world has given us almost everything

How cruel for us to do such things

Do you wish to make tall blocks and buildings?

Higher than the highest skyscraper

Lighting the world with their bright lights

The human dreams that seem impossible

Do you wish to live a luxurious life?

Inside the walls that are made of concrete

Totally sheltered from the sun that shines

Many factories are built without guilt

Inhaling smoke, oh that’s normal

Trees are being cut down

Animals are losing their habitats

Just to provide comfort for all humans

Look outside

See the trees that are covered with nothing but dust?

See the flowers that are withered in the breeze?

See the yellow colour of the grass?

Is that what we want our kids to see?

We think we eat the healthiest food

The oceans are filled with thick crude oil

Sea animals are grasping for fresh air

Are those what we call as a healthy meal?

The world is for us to live in

To cherish, to care and to protect

Not for us to pollute nor neglect

For all what we can do today

Is to save our lovely world

Thank you

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