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How can you make the same variable accessible to two C programs ?

Define Semaphores, Fragmentation, Normalization ?

Write a program in C/C++ to sort an Array in O(n)
Answer Question
Write a program to perform binary search
Answer Question
How to implement a class in C
Answer Question
Elaborate upon the fact of inheritance in C structures
Answer Question
Difference between C and C++
There are two linked list merging at some point, how would figure out the merge
point ?
questions on java or language(in CV) , linked list etc
round 1:technical
all programming subjects like c,c++,java and data structure were asked,and academic
projects based questions.
round2: detail questioning on your resume and programming languages.
-Display all numbers between 32-62 which ends with 5
- Display * in different formats
Given ASCII values, output the string.
Find whether reverse of a string S1 is a substring of the string S2, how will you
handle exceptions
reverse a linked list
Answer Question
clustered indexing in dbms
Answer Question
difference between exe and dll
Answer Question
doubly linked list advantage
Questions were mainly from c programming and Data structures and basic oops

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