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Have you noticed a change in the size or shape of your stomach (belly, tummy)?

Have you noticed having to change the notch you use on your belt?

JP: BMI>=25

Western: BMI>=30

Glucocorticosteroid  make people fat

Obstruction, ileus




Organomegaly  hepatomegaly, splenomegaly

Gastroparesis, pyloric stenosis

Subcutaneous fat

Bun in the oven = pregnancy

Sigmoid colon volvulus  coffee bean shape of X-ray

4F 胆石症の危険因子

Female 女性
Fat 肥満

Forty 40 歳以上

Fertile 多産

Fair 白人

~ ―>凡そ

Melena 黒色便

Hepatitis C = 肝炎 C ウイルス

Tachycardia 頻脈 >< bradycardia 徐脈

Normal 60-100 回

Hypotension >< Hypertension


Portal hypertension 門脈圧亢進症

- Caput medusa メデゥーサの頭

- Hemorrhoid 痔

- Splenomegaly 脾肥大

- Asterixis 羽ばたき振戦

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