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May 3, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing on behalf of Mr. Kyle Shaw, senior at Western High School. I have had the
pleasure of teaching Kyle in my English 12 class this year. Throughout our interactions together,
Kyle has impressed me as a driven and intelligent young man who strives for excellence in all he
pursues. He is young man of integrity and character that belies his years.

Kyle stands out in my mind for his richness of character and academic achievements. He
impresses me as a young man of integrity. He is well liked among his peers, but he is able to
separate himself from the typical high school drama that seems to plague most others his age. As
a student athlete, he does well balancing his schedule so that he can optimally perform both in
the classroom and on the soccer field. He consistently maintains a positive attitude, and I can
always count on him for his optimistic, fun-natured spirit.

In addition to his participation as a varsity athlete, Kyle’s involvement in the arts and his church
have contributed to his well rounded character. Kyle has been a valued member of our school’s
choir program for four years. Furthermore, Kyle strives to find ways to serve his community,
both locally and globally, with his church’s youth group. He has served as a counselor at youth
camps, has participated in missions trips, and helps to serve local families. He truly is an
exceptional young man who possesses a sincere servant’s heart.

Academically, he strives for excellence in all of his assignments. He works hard and is focused
on doing well in all of his classes. He is proactive when he misses class; he lets me know he will
not be there and asks for any assignments he may miss. He impresses me as a young man who
wants to be successful in all aspects of his life.

It has been an honor to be a part of Kyle’s education. I am confident he will be met with success
in whatever future endeavors he chooses to pursue. Kyle’s richness of character and pursuit of
excellence are commendable. He will be an asset to any college student body.


Jeanette Parker
Western High School Educator

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