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Victoria Escobar

Professor Jizi

UWRT 1103

21 March 2018

Research Proposal

How can I help kids in poverty living in underprivileged countries?

The primary purpose of my project is to help as many children as possible. I’ve always

loved kids and volunteering so to find a way to help those less fortunate than I is something I

would love to do. I’m searching to find kind of a deeper meaning in life, I want to see how other

people live so I can be more thankful for what I have. I picked this as my inquiry question

because I have always been passionate about helping people, especially children. Living in

America I believe that many people are extremely privileged, when there are other people in the

world who are lucky to get clean water. I want to learn as much as I can so I can spread the

information and people can be more aware.

I have seen videos and read articles about the living conditions in some underprivileged

countries. So many privileged countries still neglect to help those who need it the most. We need

to shed more light on this subject because even though people know about this problem, so many

people are still not doing anything about it. We take it for granted that we have an education,

food, clean water, medicine, and shelter when there are people living day to day. I have often

heard that there is nothing we can do to help these people but pray, but I strongly believe we can

do more. I know that there are some organizations such as Unicef, the Red Cross, and the Peace

Corp that are trying to help in underprivileged countries. There are also different volunteer

projects through churches where people can travel to countries and help for an amount of time.
With this information that I have found I want go an underprivileged country and volunteer my

time so I can help as much as I can.

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