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Name _______________________________________ Date _______________________

1. Match each description to the correct shape name by drawing a line. Draw an example for each shape to the
right. ​Concepts & Procedures

six square faces Pentagon

six sides cube

four angles hexagon

five angles

three sides quadrilateral

2. Partition each whole circle into equal shares of 2 halves, 3 thirds, and 4 fourths. ​Concepts & Procedures
3. ​Concepts & Procedures

Use ​vertical​ lines to partition each rectangle:

A into thirds

B into halves

C into fourths

Use ​horizontal​ lines to partition rectangle:

D into fourths

E into thirds

F into halves
4. Ivan and Ivy were asked to draw a hexagon. Ivan believes that only his drawing is correct. Explain if both
shapes are hexagon. ​Communicating Reasoning

Ivan’s Octagon Ivy’s Octagon

5. Draw the hands on the analog clock to match the time shown on the digital clock. Then, circle a.m. or p.m.
based on the description given. ​Modeling & Data Analysis

a. Time to eat breakfast.

9:20​ a.m. or p.m.

b. Time for lunch recess.

1:10​ a.m. or p.m.

c. Time for bed.

7:55​ a.m. or p.m.

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