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Elevator Speech Part 2 Keaira Clark WGSS Spring 2018

● Sex determination system that predisposes the development of certain traits
o In humans the system is determined by chromosomal differences, XX causes
female development and XY causes male development
o The sex chromosomes, autosomes, allow people to be placed into a binary but
this binary is inadequate because:
▪ Even if two people have the same allosomes this does not mean they will
develop /act the same
▪ Chromosomal disorders Turner Syndrome and Klinefelter Syndrome

Research Question
● Can we analyze organ structures like the brain to understand how we determine
Research Problem
● Research that has been done on gender differences within the brain overlaps with
o Hypothalamus studies is related to sexuality and the size of the region is larger in
males than females and smaller in MTF brains
● Hard to analyze the size of the brain and relate that to the function
● Gender identity is different from gender and the studies that analyzed the brain of
model organisms, like rats, cannot ask these organisms identity questions
● Many studies have hyper-focused on one region of the brain, but the brain is not an
individual region but relies on multiple parts coming together

Research Aim
● Compile current research on brain and gender identity
● Analyze the methodology of the studies
● Evaluate the credibility of each study
o Number of participants
o Techniques used to analyze brain structure
o Model organism or human participant

Research Methodology
● Search the following databases:
o Web of Science
o WebMD
o PsychNet
o Psychology and Behavior Sciences Collection of Academic Search Complete
o CQ Researcher
● Use keywords
o Gender identity
o Brain and gender
o MTF, FTM, female, male brain

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