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How well do you know yourself?

Answer the following questions in one thorough paragraph on this form

1. Where do you see yourself in September of next year? How do you plan to
get there?

2. What kind of life do you want to have in the future- 5, 10, 20 years from now?

3. What do you think you need to do to make that life a reality?

4. Why do you think this is what you need to do?

5. What skills, talents, or strengths do you think you have that will help you
develop this kind of life?

6. What skills, talents, or strengths do you think you need to develop to create
this kind of life?

Now watch the YouTube video in class:

1. What is your personal capital? What are your strengths, skills, passion,
purpose your problem-solving ability?

2. What is your intellectual capital? What is your expertise in one or two

subjects or skills? (These do not have to be exclusively academic subjects)

3. How can you gain social and financial capital to accomplish the goals you’ve
established for yourself or to create the kind of life you want to have?

4. If you could do what you do best every day, what would that be?

Character Strengths Test

Read the following two articles for a rationale behind taking the Character Strengths

a. Go to the following site and take the VIA Character Strengths test for


In September of next year I see myself in college. I plan to do this by applying to the
college I want to got to. In the next five to ten years I would like to have finished
college and have gotten my degree in engineering, and if possible getting ready to
start a family. In order to make that life a reality I need stick to what I like and not
what people want me to do and ultimately keep working hard. I think I need to do
this because if i don’t do this then I won’t be where I need to be in the upcoming
years. The skill and strengths I have that I have to help me develop this life is hard
work and I love fixing things. I need to develop better math skills.

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