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Standard #10 Collaboration

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for
student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school
professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the

Standard in my own words

Getting involved in the school community and working with others in the school
community to better the students’ experiences..

Description of Artifact
During student teaching, I was able to go to a professional development conference with
my mentor. We attended three classes to help us learn how to teach real world social
studies and how to analyze things very specifically.

10 (f) Engages in professional learning, contributes to the knowledge and skill of others
and works collaboratively to advance professional practice.

I met standard 10 (f) because I was able to engage in professional learning, and
contribute what I learned to others. Working together at the professional development, we
were able to obtain new knowledge about some of the teaching practices for secondary
education social studies.
During the professional development I was able to learn about how to handle situations
that pertain to student behavior and how to deal with those situations appropriately. I
really liked the speaker and he taught us to handle the situation that he talked about.
Ignoring students that call another student retarded or stupid can hurt more then just
students that have special needs in your classroom. As a teacher, you need to speak up
about what students say in your classroom. Just saying something as simple as “We
don’t talk like that in here,” can diffuse the situation and it also doesn’t cause a major
disruption in your classroom. It’s simple and easy to remember and I have used it several
times in my classroom during student teaching.

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