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Good evening teacher and classmates, in this opportunity I’m going to talk about my project.

When the teacher told us how would be the project, I asked myself how my life would be if I
had been born in the opposite sex, so If I was a girl. It’s some weird but in the meantime is so

Let’s start talking about how to get fun, If I were a girl, I wouldn’t get out with my friends
whenever I want because my parents are so strict with girls, I don’t know how to be my life if I
had a sister because I’m only child and I our society is bad if girls are always going out, but for
men is normal.

At the university mi life would be some different, because many girls has a lot facilities just to
be girls, If I had been born in the opposite sex, I would have had more opportunities. For
example, when the teacher said that there was not chance to present a homework, it was ok.
But for girls he accepted out of time. That’s unfair.

Also, If had been born in the opposite sex,

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