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Time: Note: Q1. Q2. Q3. Qs. Qs. Q6. Q7. M-136 M.A. (Previous) Examination — 2018 HOME SCIENCE PAPER -IV RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Hours. ‘Attempt All questions from Section (Objective type question), Five question from Section: Maximum Marks: 100 (Short answer type question) and Three questions from Section — C (Long/Essay type question). asa (ragte ga) Uw get &, as a (ag Gants oe) Go Tee a ase (tet /feege seit yes) v3 wet @ veo cifery | asa Section-A. ‘What is the stage of research? (a) Selection of problem (©) Survey ar @ wart Tats (31) WARN or aT (a) denon 2x10=20 (b) Determination of problem Who has written that “the price tag questionnaire isa group of inspirations”? (a) Gudey (b) Hot fowl fern @ far @ (a) ee How many types of variable? aR fart vere @ eld @ @4 (b)3 Which is not a psychological test? (a) Intelligence test (©) Aceretion seale a aidsnfta wert adi 8? (a) afar herr fa) anfargfer arett Example of compiled collections are: (a) Inspection (0) Interview vent & WHat S some gy (i) Perr (@) erence “Seid Usa eonsil er UE ese (d) None of these (a) wren or Prefer (@) sri a wig ae (©) Ludvarg @ Hetten () arse (2) er @6 @2 (b) Achievement Test (a) Questionnaire system (@) srrerf herr (a) weataeft wortett (©) Schedule @) (@) All of these (2) suRtedt wai The standard of different variable at different variations of one frequency distribution can be traced: (a) By rectangle diagram (b) By fiequeney picture (©) By penalties diagramm (d) By line diagram fall eam angie ce FART aubseel LAPT angle oa wr Ma SCUPAT aT wear (@) aera fra ere (a) anqfer fer ert (8) @s gIRe ERT (2) tars eRe The best measure of deviation is: (a) Expansion (b) Mean deviation _(c) Standard deviation (4) Quartile deviation fraerrefterat oT a & (a) ware (@) seaart facet (@) aren Alar (@) ayeiter fraerT (Cont... Qs. Qs. Quo. a. Q2. Q3. Q4. Qs. Q6. Q7. Qs. a. Q2. Q3. Qs. Which is not a research problem? (a) Historical problem (b) Practical problem (c) Survey problem (a) Anti problem orgeierrt ere gai tote Al aie? i) User era (@) aaa wre (a) aden ere () fagiefl werear Personal document is: (a) Record (b) Autobiography — (c) Diary (d) Both (b) & (c) afer wert B— (a) Reng (@) strere@ert (@) srr (2) ai (@) 4 (a) The sum of 14, 20,18,27,21 is 100 and how much mean will it be: 14,20,18.27.21 I ArT 100 & cen seer ana ferrat et (a) 10 (b) 15 ©@20 (@25 waus—4__ Section-B Sx4=20 Explain the difference in primary and secondary facts. urate site feta Famm we HT! Describe the usefulness of research in Home Science. qe fear 4 arpdert a) ouaifirar aarga| What do you think of research problem? Wuite its types. aria wera amy aan wad &? gad wore earga | ‘What does the interview mean? Write its benefits, arencer GU ear caters 8? gad aH actgal | ‘What you think of psychology testing? Write its features. widen wert Sana aa wast &? gaat fasivart qarga Write the utility of pictures. feat afl gualfirar aargal | ‘What do you understand by measurement methods? ret fatal % srg aan water 2? Write short note: (fer ferfere) (a) Categorization (b) Coding (a) sietioen (a) sider WTs—-a__Section-C 20x3=60 ‘What do you understand by personality studies? Tell its features. eafeciet srearert Bog ear Waar? gue fasts ferfkaeh | ‘What do you think of historical research? Write its features and purpose. Viren ary @ om een erent & eat fra wer vera fate Explain the importance or function of hypothesis in scientific research. UR@erT & weed a orl wl wre wifsry| ‘What are some things to keep in mind while selecting a modal? ufeeet or aad med err fof art or eat werar anfsy? Write short note: (a) Objective of Research (b) Characteristics of observation of method feureft ferfre— @) set @ veer (a) freer oi fastrarey

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