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[30 marks]
[Time suggested : 15 minutes]

Answer all questions in this paper.

The text below is about an incident that happened to a girl after waking up late for school.

Question 1
Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been underlined for you.

Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct word
must not change the meaning of the sentence.

The alarm clock on my bedside table showed half past six when

I woke up with a start. Oh no! My school bus would arrived in e.g. arrive

minutes’ time. I got out off my bed and rushed to the bathroom. (a) ____________

After bathing and brushing my teeth, I put on mine school uniform (b) ____________

hurriedly. Then I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs as I hear (c) ____________

the school bus honking outside. I jumped on the bus but apologised (d) ____________

to the driver. I was sweating heavily although the sun had not came (e) ____________

out yet. Lucky it was quite dark, so the other students on the bus (f) ____________

couldn’t see me. Soon it stopped at my school. As I was walking to (g) ____________

the school gate, a prefect where was standing there, suddenly (h) ____________

stopped me. Then he pointed to my feet and said something. I am (i) ____________

shocked when I saw that I had wore different pair of socks! One was (j) _______ ____

white and the other one blue. I had no choice but to take off the

socks. Nonetheless, the prefect took down my name for not

following the school rules.

(10 marks)
[30 marks]
[Time suggested : 40 minutes]

Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) - (j).

There are many kinds of hobbies that we can spend our time on. There are indoor hobbies and
outdoor hobbies. As for me, I like to go on camping trips during my free time. I usually go with my
father and elder brother on weekends. We have gone camping to many places such as in the forest near
our housing area, near rivers and at several national parks. I usually wear a T-shirt, knee-length
shorts, socks and a good pair of hiking boots.
There are a few important items that my father always reminds us to bring when going on
camping trips. Each of us will bring our own sleeping bag, basic toiletries and a change of clothes.
My father will fill in his knapsack with the first-aid kit while my brother and I will bring torches. An
item that we must not forget is a compass in case we get lost.
If we plan to go camping near a river, my father and brother will bring their fishing rods. They
would spend a couple of hours fishing at the river, while I start a campfire. If they are lucky, they
would catch a fish or two and we would grill them on the campfire. My favourite activity during these
camping trips is sitting around the campfire. We would gather around, drink hot chocolate and just
chat among ourselves. It is good family bonding. Besides that, I also learn to appreciate nature. We
always make sure the campsite is clean before leaving.

Questions (a) - (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.

Question 3

Read the leaflets below. Then, answer questions (a) - (j).

Questions (a) - (d):Based on the leaflets, state whether the following statements are

(a) The Trivandrum Museum is in South India. ____________ (1 mark)

(b) Manhattan Island is in Canada. ____________ (1 mark)
(c) The Twin Towers are in Penang. ____________ (1 mark)
(d) Petaling Street sells expensive things. ____________ (1 mark)

Questions (e) - (i): Read the leaflets carefully and answer the questions below.

(e) What is the island near the Statue of Liberty?

_____________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(f) Where can tourists go bargain hunting in Kuala Lumpur?

_____________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the leaflets.

Meaning Phrase (2

(i) rare things from the past

(ii) known all over the world
(h) Why do you think people like to see the Twin Towers?
____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(i) Name another tourist attraction in Kuala Lumpur?

____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(10 marks)

( j) Based on the leaflets, which place would you like to tour?

In about 50 words, write a postcard to a friend.

In your recommendation:
• state the choice

• give reasons to support your choice
• add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.

Thank you.



(10 marks)
[20 marks]
[Time suggested: 40 minutes]
Question 4
Read the passage below about Dahlia’s idol.

Read the passage carefully and answer questions (a) -(i).

My idol is not a celebrity, a movie star or a singer like most teenagers. My idol is someone who is close
to my heart. She is my guardian angel who has been around since I was born. She took care of me, protected
me from the world and guided me throughout my teenage life.
I still remember when I was little, she adored me so much and would hug and kiss me all the
time. However, as time passed and I grew up, the hugs and kisses were not as frequent as they used
to be. At the beginning, I wondered why. Didn’t she love me anymore? Didn’t she care for me
anymore? Then I realised that she wanted to give me space and to treat me like an adult, as I was
already a teenager by that time. Nonetheless, she never stop loving me and taking care of me when
I was hospitalised for dengue fever; she gave me support and encouragement when I did not win
any chess tournaments; and she lent her shoulder to cry on when I had a tiff with my best friend.
It was from her that I found my passion, that is cooking. When I was little, I used to watch her
cook various dishes for the family. On special occasions like birthdays and festivals, she would go
an extra length in preparing special dishes for relatives and guests. At first, I only sat at the dining
table as I watch her go about the kitchen. As I grew older, she allowed me to help with the peeling,
slicing and cutting. My favourite part was when we prepared the various cookies for Hari Raya. We
would spend hours in the kitchen; mixing batter and kneading dough for the cookies. During these
special moments that I dreamed of becoming a baker and opening my own bakery. She was very
proud and gave full support when I told her of my ambition.
Now, fifteen years later, I am the proud owner of Sweet Delights Bakery. Most of the cookies
in my bakery are secret recipes I learnt from her. Unfortunately, she is not here to celebrate my
success. She drew her last breath a couple of years ago. Grandma, you’ll always be my idol, no
matter where you are.

(a) Who is the Dahlia's idol?

_____________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(b) What does she refer her idol as?

_____________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(c) List two lessons of life Dahlia learned from her idol.
_____________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(d) How did Dahlia and her idol spend time together?
_____________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the letter.

Meaning Word/Phrase

i) give support

ii) interest

iii) put a lot of effort in something

iv) a slight argument

(4 marks)
(f) What happened to Dahlia's idol?

________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(g) When did Dahlia realise she wanted to be a baker?

________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(h) Why did Dahlia's hero seldom hug and kiss her like she used to?

i. _____________________________________________________ (1 mark)

ii. ______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(i) Give two ways on how to show appreciation to a loved one.

i. ______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

ii. ______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(15 marks)
Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) – (d).

a) In stanza one, what are faxes used for?
_____________________________________________________________(1 mark)
b) In stanza two, what is the new God of the younger generation?
_____________________________________________________________(1 mark)
c) In stanza two, what does the word you refer to?
_____________________________________________________________(1 mark)
d) Do you think the grandparents had a hard time without air cons? Give a

Canteen Day – Jonathan’s school – variety of food – soft drinks –

nasi lemak, fish and chips, fried chicken – class sold –fried chicken – collected the
most money – RM800 – assembly – principal – praised class – team work and
personal sacrifices – reward – free movie tickets – Jonathan’s class – very proud –
contribute to the school library.

____________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
(5 marks)
[40 marks]
[Time suggested: 45 minutes]
Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The notes below shows the details of Canteen Day.

Based on notes below, write a story. Make the story as interesting as possible.


Question 7
You should spend 15 minutes on this question.

The following are the short story and the drama studied in the Literature Component in
English Language.

1 One is One and All Alone - by Nicholas Fisk

2 Rumpelstiltskin - retold by Angela Lanyon
Based on one of the literature component above, write about an interesting event that
happened in the short story/drama. Support your answer with evidence from the short

 in not less than 50 words
 in continuous writing (not in note form)




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