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Aldo Giannattasio
Response World Building Exercise

What are the inequities from the world that your group built and how might
technology improve or mediate the inequity?

It is noticeable that inequity is surrounded by race and how this is a major issue
within the world we built. The main result is a world where hostility occurs between
the two races due to tensions that stem from ones religion. Based on the beliefs of
the individuals it is noticed that there is inequity when looking at the economic
system within our world. The result is a major shift in the wealth divide. With that
religion also results in stereotypes to be generated where one group believes they
are superior to the other. That then results in them conducting themselves in what
others would view as immoral while they view it as being socially acceptable within
their society. Finally through the issue surrounding religion it becomes apparent
that there is a divide in the idea of what a government’s function should be and the
duties of individuals should be. It is seen that a major issue is that people’s religious
beliefs in this society play a factor in how they develop their perspective on
government’s role. To some their religion influences them to believe in a society
based on caring about others while some have the attitude that government is used
as a way to aide others and only want a system that will benefit themselves.
When looking at technology it can improve our society through allowing
individuals to become more exposed to outside worlds and to understanding others
beliefs. With that it is seen that technology allows for the unification of people
where the can share and express ideas allowing for others to better understand
their religious and personal beliefs. Through doing this people will become aware of
what they are doing more likely and be able to realize the error in their ways. Along
with that by seeing mistakes other younger generations should be able to learn from
past errors and realize that what occurred was wrong and that a change is needed.

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