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In the district of Ambo we can find two deep caves named Jatun Uchco and
Ichic Uchco, Jatun Uchco until now isn’t yet explored because it’s too deep
and dangerous, everyone who has tried to get inside says that inside the
cave they will find a gold bull tied up to an orange tree with gold fruits and
surrounded with stone men and guarded by a guy with beautiful clothes, of
course this description is considered a myth.
About Jatun Uchco you can hear a history that probably it’s going to sound
crazy for you, this history says that one day a long time ago , a villager said
that he saw a man coming out of the cave, he claimed this words
“¡Charm!¡Charm! ¡Everyone! ¡In the hill it’s a guy that shine like silver, he
shines like the moon! ¡Come everyone! ¡He’s playing his Quena and dancing
on a stone! ¡I will wait here! ¡Come everyone!”. So, when the villagers
heard the claim of the guy, they went out of their houses, but when they
saw at the hill, there was nobody.
The villager couldn’t explain how the guy disappeared from the hill so fast,
he waited all the night expecting to see that guy again and thinking “I’m
sure I will see that guy again”. At the morning he went to the house of the
elder called Tayta Allico to get an explanation about the guy that appeared
on the hill the last night, Tayta Allico answered “Yes, I’m going to tell you
the history behind Jatun Uchco” and start to relate that history: the man
that appears on the entrance of Jatun Uchco, a long time ago had killed his
father, and as a punishment the justice sentence him with 20 years of jail.
When this man was inside the jail a demon appeared, the demon offered
him to get free selling his soul when he dies, so the man accepted the swap
without no doubt and get his freedom saying “I will negate the demon
because I don't want to give him my soul”. When the guy was free the
demon appeared again in front of him saying “Remember, I will take your
life when you die”, but the guy as he thought before, negate to the demon
the deal and everything about his soul, the demon got mad and put the guy
on his shoulders and carried him to the cave Jatun Uchco. In Jatun Uchco
the demon sentenced the guy to keep guard of the treasures inside the cave
including the gold bull and then the demon killed him.
The villager was amazed, and Tayta Allico added to the history: One day a
beatiful women saw the guy of Jatun Uchco playing his Quena in front of
the Cave, they saw each other and got in love but the demon noticed this
and got mad again because he didn't want to see the guy happy, so the
demon carried to the woman to Ichic Uchco and buried her. Since that day,
every time that the guy of Jatun Uchco get out of his cave to play his Quena,
the woman of Ichic Uchco get out of her cave too and start to dance, and
then they try to stay together again.
In words of Tallta Allico, people who try to get the treasure inside the cave
are turned on stone. The stone men and the youngers keep waiting to
someone who can get inside the cave and defeat the demon and the guards,
and finally get their freedom.

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