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Writing Process Goals When evaluating one’s own writing process, it becomes a difficult task to accomplish due to your own opinions or the lack of knowledge on exactly where an area of weakness may exis However, the attempt to dissect my own writing process creates an opportunity to reassess and improve my own abilities as a writer and a communicator to others. I suppose, the need to write different types of papers for example, an article review, would be a launching point due to the form in which it is constructed. Additionally, I would like to explore, analyze, and implement the varying techniques and tricks that writers utilize so I can become a better writer. As far as the specific improvements or goals that I will strive for this semester, would be to spend more time in discovering my infinitesimal spelling and grammatical errors before tuming in a set assignment, Lastly, I would like to expand my vocabulary, so I could truly convey my thoughts ina concise and practical manner. However, there is a variance of sorts when it comes to a vrriting process depending on the form in which one must write. The writing process discussed, as far as my own methodology, is a general guideline and is under ideal writing conditions.

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