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Household Fan 1/2

™ Consider a fan blade driven at constant angular velocity by the

™ Absolute velocity is the vector sums of relative and blade velocities.
The blade velocity U = ωr
The absolute velocity V seen by a person
sitting stationary at the table on which the fan
The relative velocity seen by a person riding on
the fan blade W
r r r
Household Fan 2/2

Idealized flow through a fan: (a) fan blade geometry: (b) absolute
velocity, V; relative velocity, W, and blade velocity, U at the inlet and
exit of the fan blade section. 12
™ Consider the windmill. Rather than the rotor being driven by a
motor, it is rotated in the opposite direction by the wind blowing
through the rotor.

Idealized flow through a windmill: (a) windmill blade geometry; (b)

absolute velocity, V; relative velocity, W, and blade velocity, U at
the inlet and exit of the windmill blade section. 13

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