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Management Plan
Ms. Nayeli Arias
Grade 4
Rule # 1: I am responsible for all my actions and behaviors today.
Rule #2: I will work hard, listen, and learn.
Rule #3: I will respect myself and others.
Rule #4: I will be a good citizen by doing what is right.
Rule #5: Take responsibility for all personal choices and actions.
Individual rewards:

● If students collect 20 star bucks for good behavior, participating, listening, working
hard etc…. They can use it as a free homework pass, one item picked from the treasure
box, or free computer/ipad time pass.

Whole Group:

● If the whole class turns in homework and behaves good, they get a choice of extra time
of recess, game time, or sit with friend pass.
Individual (Green, yellow, red, and orange card behavior system):

★ Green- Safe, responsible, and respectful

★ Yellow- showing frustration, anger, talking, not cooperating. (warning)
★ Orange- physical aggression, disobeying school rules, inappropriate language, repeated
yellow card behavior. (call home or stays in wall during recess)
★ Red- harassment, stealing, vandalism, threatening behaviors, repeated yellow and orange
card behavior. (visit to the principal's office)


★ If the whole class behaves poorly overall, they lose mins of recess, lose computer
privileges for the day, or stays in wall during recess.

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