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To choose a cement for a specific task, one must consider (1) the cement’s physical and biological
properties, and (2) the cement’s handling characteristics, such as working time, setting time,
consistency, and ease of removing excess material.

 Semen harus cukup cair untuk dapat mengalir, membentuk lapisan kontinyu setebal 25µm
atau kurang tanpa terputus.
 Pasta semen harus melapisi semua permukaan dalam mahkota dan sedikit meluas ke bagian
tepinya, semen harus memenuhi setengah bagian dalam mahkota
 Perlu tekanan yang agak keras untuk menempatkan mahkota pada posisi yang tepat dan
mengeluarkan semen
 Pembuangan kelebihan semen tergantung pada sifat semen yang digunakan

3. The process of restoring a prepared tooth by initially placing a layer of type II glass ionomer
cement for fluoride release followed by an overlayer of resin-based composite. As a liner or base
material, hybrid ionomer serves as an intermediate bonding material between the teeth and
composite restorations. The adhesion of GIC to dentin reduces the probability of gap formation at
gingival margins located in dentin or cementum, compensating for the polymerization shrinkage of
the overlying resin-based composite restoration on the hybrid ionomer base. Furthermore,a hybrid
ionomer base or liner reduces the technique sensitivity of resin bonding agents and provides the
anticariogenic effect from fluoride. This procedure is often referred to as the sandwich technique,
which combines the desirable qualities of the glass ionomer and the esthetics of the composite
restoration. This sandwich technique is recommended for Class II and V composite restorations
when individual patients are at a moderate to high risk for caries.

5. resin cement, krn anterior jd perlu semen yg warnanya sesuai dgn gigi dan tidak berbayang.

 Excellent mechanical properties

 High bond strength with pre Tx step
 High aesthetics/translucency
 Suitable for ceramic, porcelain, composite, metalself/auto cured (powder-liquid), proses
kimiawi, pembuangan kelebihan semen setelah restorasi dipasang dengan benar
 Light cured (komponen tunggal ), penyinaran tak boleh < 40 dtk ; restorasi keramik, bracket
 Dual cured (dua komponen), perlu pengadukan, setelah disinar proses pengerasan terus

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