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Lesson Plan – Demonstration

Instructor: Holly Orr

Course: Health, Nutrition, and Safety
Date: February 15, 2016
Lesson Number: 4
Topic: Diapering Procedure

Learning Outcomes: Describe the infection control procedures for hand washing, diapering,
cleaning, and sanitizing

Elements of Performance: Explain the best practice in the management and control of
childhood illnesses commonly found in the early childhood setting

Rationale: An early childhood educator (ECE) must be able to implement strategies that
promote appropriate health and safety practices in today’s early childhood setting

Lesson Content:
Instructional Procedures:
1. Focusing Event –introduce materials & props
2. Instructional Methods – demonstration, guided practice, independent practice
Use procedure chart from the MB Government
3. Progress Check – ask student to demonstrate the proper procedure
4. Student Participation – students will view demonstration and ask questions
-students will practice steps with instructor guidance
-students will practice steps independently
5. Lesson Closure – check for questions from students, remind of rationale of procedure

Assessment and Evaluation: Do you feel like you you’re prepared to try on your own? What
would you do if the child had a soiled diaper rather than just wet? Why is proper handwashing so

Materials and Needed Technology: Doll, changing pad, diapers, wipes, plastic bag, latex
gloves, garbage can, spray bottle with bleach, paper towels, procedures poster, sink, soap &
water, pen to chart information

Assignments: none

Next Lesson: Preventing the spread of illness

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